Chapter 10

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Fuck I died at the picture and it needed posted....Oh god, I feel bad for leaving such short chapters lately, Lol. Sorry guys! I'll try I make this one (or the next) as long as physically possible, anyways it's kinda boring to read this shit, so get-ta reading my other bullshit.

The blonde returned with a silver-haired albino, who was paler than the moon. I never asked him his name... Oops. "Heyy" the blonde said quietly as he placed some medical supplies on the table in front of me. "My b-- Friend here is gonna look at your wounds and change the bandages, k?"

"Ya, sure" I replied nonchalantly as his friend yelled something about him being awesome, and that his presence alone will heal me... "Oh, I never asked, but what's your name?"

"I'm Matthew, and the self-proclaimed Prussian over there is Gilbert." eating a Fuck you, I'm awesome from the said man.

"Another question" he said wondering if he was allowed to even ask. Earning a hm? In response. "Um, why the fuck did you help me?"

Not taken back from the cussing, Matthew replied with a simple "Becuase I felt like it." as his "friend" laughed in the background, "Mattie is a softy when it comes to, I wanna say, "helpless" people, if you know what I'm getting at, more like people."

I blushed and spat back at him implying that I'm not helpless. "Maybe helpless wasn't the right's more like, people in need..."he laughed "You should have saw how much blood was coming out of your stomache"

"Whatever" I said not looking at the man who clearly upset me.

After that, they finished changing my bandages and allowed me to return to my dorm. Even though I went to the library (fuck, how do you spell library!?! I think that's right? Help me!) instead.

The library (urgh) was very quiet except of the few scattered sound of pages turning and footsteps on the red carpets, or the even the faint clicking of computers. I love the silence, my headache was fading and I was in the mode for some random romance novel. Don't judge. Fuck you.

I pulled out a book and read it until some really loud ass people enter the library earning a few shushes. Eventually deciding that it was time to go and eat, I got up and put my book away, and starts leaving.

Making my way back to my dorm I ran face first into some guys chest, knocking me back. "Damn, what the hell? Watch where your going bastard!"

He just fucking stood there with a huge smile plastered on his face. What the fuck, your not supposed to smile when you knock someone down! "Oh, sorry! I didn't see You there! Are you ok?" he said extending his arm, his smile not faltering.

I slapped his hand away. "whatever, I'm fine, don't need your fucking help." I said bluntly.

"K...?" The man said not wanting to anger me anymore than I already was.

I got up and looked at him. Green eyes, brunette, tan, propbally spanish, chirpy bastard, smelled like dog, kinda cut-- shut up gay thoughts! Nice ass doe, I have to admit, But Fuck this gay Shit.....

Fuck him. Fucking bastard. I walked away blushing, why was I blushing? I don't even know, but it was killing me.

Time Skip brought to you cats~ =^·~·^=

" I have two, because I'm both Angel and demon, one being a dark colored black cat, the other a metal lizard with wings kinda looks like a dragon but more broad. They both have half transformations, a skill learned through training. My cat one gives me two little ears on my head and a tail that had a black tip, painted like my wings... While the dragon one was like a protective plate of metal armor, that came with horns, a dragon tail, and claws that were scally the farther they went up to my fingertips. Kinda cool but I never shown it to anyone... But sometimes when I head to bed my half trans for my cat takes over and people somtimes see it, but that has only happened a couple times... Around my family..."

I don't know why I was telling this to Matthew but he seemed cool and would keep my secret... Hopefully. He did promise and even showed me that he him self was an angel, and said it was fucking cool to be both.

He seemed really relateable too, never being noticed and being pushed away due to people's lack of interest. So, we kinda became best buds over night.

Matthew is an angel with a white tiger as his transformation. He told me stuff about Gilbert and even informed me that He and Gilbert were dating... We just kinda traded info about each other and laughed.

Time Skip to morning because author-chan is lazy af, and told reader-chans that she would make this one longer...

I awoke in my room surrounded my gilbert, Mattie and 2 other people. "What the fucking hell?!? What are you doing in my room?!?"

"Well seeing how the, awesome me and mattie saved your life, I decided you should get to know ou- my friends." He said geting a glare from Mattie.

I hid back under my pillows and groaned dramatically, I did not wanna deal with this shit right now. I want some coffee, breakfast and then another nap. Then maybe, just maybe meet some other assholes.

"This is Francis, and this here is-- Toni get your ass over here." He said pulling his friends attention over to him instead of my video game that Mattie had been hinge playing. "And-- This is Antonio"

Welp... Almost made it to 1000 words... *awkwardly laughs and then fades into the darkness* hahaha----.........

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