Chapter 11

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Fucking shit dicks, I stayed up all night playing video games and Shit so if this one is crappy---er than normal tell me and I'll rewrite it

"Fuck you" I said in a yawn. "Let me sleep you bastards" I rolled over placing my pillow on top of my face again to block out the damned light.

"But lovino!" he groaned as he pulled at the pillow. "My friends must know how awesome I am for saving you" getting a hiss from matthew and he laughed a little less boldly than usual "plus I gotta change the bandages...."

"Uuurrrgggggghhh" I carried out the word to add to the dramatic-ness as I rolled onto the floor taking my blankets with me. Fuck you guys.

I reluctantly got up and sat down on my bed and allowed gilbert to re-bangdage my wounds while I "talked" to his friends. One was a blonde French Fuck in which I angered and he sat next to matthew, while the other was the bastard that ran into me in the hallway. He was, Spanish? He told me about Gilbert and The French man occasionally asking me questions. A bunch of bastards if you ask me.

When gil was done he got up and forced me to spend time with them on the roof, including matthew btw. They were fighting over who's wingspan was larger. while me and mattie chatted, until they pulled us out to a cliff to picnic at. We all ate in silence until gil suggested us to go flying around, making antionio drag me by my arms to the edge.

"Nno no no, wait-- " he laughed and pulled us down so we were falling next to the side of the cliff. I released my aching wings and tried to catch the wind with them, failing.

"Aww come on lovi, have some fun" he said as he started to release me from his grip.

"I c-can't" I mummbled forcfully trying to keep me eyes shut as we neared the ground. "I CANT FLY" I screamed as I opened my eyes to reveal we were only a little bit away from the ground.

"What?" he said not believing what I just said.

"I said I can't fly! Fucking shit-- help bastard!" I yelled at him as water started to leak from my eyes. The wind was irriating my eyes, bastards. =-=

Seeing that I wasn't joking he grabbed into my arms and spread his wings so we glided until he found a clearing in which it was safe to land. "Why didnt you tell me? If I fully let go, you could've died, are you listening to me Lovino?"

Hell, didn't even know if I was breathing. I can't fly... I was too self-consious as a of now let alone as a child. I never let anyone see my wings, so I got taught how to fly... I would have been treated even worse, my wings were abnormal and I alone seemed like a waste of space, a high tempered piece of flesh with no need in this world... I can't even fucking fly. Its a simple thing everyone knew how to do, even the humans and they just drove giant scraps of metal...

"Lovino?" Antonio asked but this time grabbing my chin with his hand so he could look me in the eye, shaking me from my thoughts. "Are you ok? Mio díos your not hurt are you, you were still healing too, did the wounds reopen?!?" he rambled some random questions and I really didn't have the courage to tell him that I'm a self-consious weakling...

"I'm fine" I said bluntly, wiping away some water from my face. Retracting my wings.

"Are you sure?!?" he asked worryingly then looked around as he heard a branch brake.

"Yes, I'm fine" I said once again getting irritated. This bastard deaf?

"We gotta go" he said Pulling me up into one of his arms and flapping his wings making us ascend high into the air.


"Poachers" he said frankly and sprung his wings forward in a kind of circular motion as he dodged some bullets and arrows.

"Eh?!? I thought this country was a shared country?" I studied how his wings moved. forwards and under than up and flat in repetition.

"It is, and that's why they hunt, they get more money and trades if it's fresh, still and bleeding..."He said gritting his teeth in anger.

We soon met up with gil, mattie, and Francis. After many cuss words and threats I managed to keep Antonio quiet about my problem. He suggested that he could give me lessons and I "reluntantly" agreed, it hate to admit but in the past few hours he's been fun to hang around with... Other than the part where he almost killed me on accident...

Time Skip brought to you by flightless lovino!

I just sent everyone home, we had stayed up and played video games and watched movies and everyone was tired so ya... Tomorrow I get training from antonio. I'm not happy about it! I just... Wanna fly....

Anyways I'm tired as Fuck.... Night!

Dream time

Everywhere was red. My hands stained along with every surface. It looked as if I was in a cave but there was no wind, no chills. The walls were hard and rocky.

Reaching down to the floor there was a body, Gagging reluctantly I flipped it over.

"N-nono?!?" I gasped leaning back and falling onto the paved floor. I didn't know what to do. I reached back over and felt only blood. Blood leaked from his mouth and his chest. What happened!?! Why is nono like this. Tears rolled down my face and I ran, I ran and I ran, out into the chilled weather of the outside world.

Bodies littered the grass and blood covered any color that seemed to live there. I vomited into the once green grass. I ran to nonos car and tried to open it. With no luck I ran until it got dark, eventually passing out in the forest.


I woke up in a gasp for air as I sprung out of bed, My lungs burned and I ran into the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet. What the hell? Why was I having a nightmare about this Shit? Where's nono?!?

I wanna see nono....

I sat on the floor of the bathroom crying... My grandfather hasn't been seen for days and that nightmare didn't help the fact that he might even be dead for all I know...

I got up and traveled into the kitchen and shakely got a cup of water and downed some pain meds to ease my newly forming headache.

What if it was real?

Fuck this shit, I'm out...

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