Chapter 32

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I sat there, mouth agape, and staring at lovi, worringly. He wants to leave? Huh? This didn't make since!

"I'll go to italy or something.... Where you all dont even have to remember that I exist..."

What?!? The fuck lovi! You think your cussing trouble? What?!?  The only trouble your causing is the pain in my heart...

"You all can be happy when I'm gon-" I couldn't take it any more...

I kissed lovi...


He kissed back...

When we broke apart I started talking. "Don't do that... I don't want you to leav--" he cut me off by kissing me back...

After a while, we both needed air, and He broke the kiss. "I'm sorry..."

"Huh? Why?" he looked away and started to bandage up his face.


"Lovi, tell me"

"It's nothing." he was starting to get angry so I dropped the subject and looked to the door, only to find Gilbert standing halfway in the door, mouth agape, fleeing from the scene once he noticed that I saw him.

Oh he is so going to hate life. I excused myself from the room and found Gilbert, who was chatting with, a little too excited, Matthew who have me a thumbs up.

I glared at Gilbert for a second and got lovi so he could eat.

After eating Matthew and Gilbert pulled me out of lovi's apartment so we could go shopping for food ((becuase feli and I used most of it)).

"So are you two official?" Matthew nudged me in the arm.

"Um... I don't think so..."

"Why not! Gilbert said that you two obviously have feeling for each other, as displayed, But you two aren't dating?"


"That doesn't make since"

"Most things don't... Now would you drop it... Lovi was talking about something before all that stuff happened, let me think!" I huffed out, trying to not frown.

Ok, so Lovi thinks he's a burden and that is worring about him is wrong... How would You reverse those things... I can't let his brother know we kissed, due to Lovi already being pissed off at him, and Ludwig might tell him. Oh wait back to thinking about Lovi. Anyways. How do you fix stuff like that... Showing him that I care might make things worse, but at the same time so will the opposite and I don't think I could pull off the opposite either... I love him too much... How could you not?

--Lovino's POV--

Oh god, I probably just grossed Antonio out! Shit I'm fucking stupid. But He did it first... No lovi, he was pitying you. But.. No! Stop! He Doesn't care........

I popped a few 'anger management' pills into my mouth and took a swig of some water before heading off to bed. Not that I'll get any sleep, but might as well not be an asshole in the morning or around midnight... I mean it's only about 6:15...

--Antonio's POV-- ((Shit Imma start confusing my self with all these POV changes))

I feel kind of bad for leaving lovi home alone with his brother and Ludwig... He's been fighting with his brother and doesn't like Ludwig much... Plus, he's feeling like shit.

Maybe now that he is healing ok, we can go train again. He was starting to get the hang of it... At least he was able to catch his weight in the wind... 1 percent of the time... Heh, maybe we should just let him try without our help... Nah that wouldn't be a good idea.

I'll have to ask him when I return, before I go to sleep.

--upon reaching lovi's dorm--

I opened the door letting Matthew and me into lovi's dorm, gil had to leave when his brother past him in the halls. The aparment was dark and lovi was sleeping in his room, so me and Matthew put away the groceries and Matthew went home, leaving me to sleep on lovi's couch.

I wanted to ask him about wing training, but he was asleep so...

--the very next day--

I woke up to Lovi making breakfast and coffee. He seemed in a better mood than yesterday... Still a grumpy little Lovi. At least he isn't depressed...

Anyways, he served me and I asked him about flying leasons, in which he agreed to! Yay! Back on track! Once his face heals he can go to school again as well!

He's not liking that that much but that is only due to him having to pay for this 'shit' school. So, lessons start tomorrow! Today is a day off to have lovi lossen up him muscles and have fun!

This is complete utter trash... Lol...

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