Chapter 14

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Well I just took some sleeping meds so I got 20mins to write some Shit....

I haven't talked to feli for a week and tomorrow was the start of spring break... I know I kinda joined at the end of 3rd quarter but I was ahead of my class so.... Everyday I have to grab Antonio and Gilbert so we can go fucking fly... Or at least try to....

It's been a very uneventful week... I would learn a little bit, fly a little bit and sit in class counting the seconds until the bell rang...

As of on queue, the bell ran and I ran out of the building and towards the field that the two bastards have been "training" me at. Today we decided that I was going to fly in human form (unlike the past week) and see if I can lift off the ground. So I'm meeting them up out here, after school.

I've finnaly reached out meet up stop only to be pushed off of the cliff. "F-fffucckk" I looked up to see who it was but they were wearing a hoodie and a mask...

I spread out my wings and tried to catch the air... "S-shit this was easier when I was in my other for--" being broken away from my thoughts my right eye started to turn black and red. Hell no! Not this shit now!

I held my hand over my eye and spread my wings even farther, until they couldn't be stretched out anymore. Feeling a little bit of wind catch the back end of my wings I tilted them forwards and stopped falling quickly. HELL YEAH, BITCH ASS CLIFF, HOW BOUT THAT.

seeing my success the goodies man, (turned out to be gilbert) and the other bastard came down to help me land and shit, which I took gratefully.

Upon reaching the ground I pushed Gilbert and tried to fly again. I think I got the in the air part I now just need to know how to start off of the ground....

Well this shit was worse than the last one, but I'm tired and it will only get even worse if I continue...

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