chapter 24

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Only 915 words bros T.T sorry it's short

I slowly walked towards Antonio causing Ludwig to pull me back And out of the room.


"Nein!" he moved stuff in front of the door and held it shut.

Prussia ran over and tried to talk to his brother but Ludwig just kept saying no.

I mumbled to myself as feli rushed into the house and up the stairs.

"What's with all the noi-- Fuck" he looked surprised at first (not as surprised as Gilbert or Ludwig who were waiting for something to happen) but muttered the last part.

"I WILL break this door down!" I put my wings away and tightened my hand into a fist and brought it up before clading it in iron scales.

"Fratello no!" feli ran up and latched his arms around my arm and tried to hold it down.

"Get the fuck off of me feli" I pulled my arm up but he just went up with it. I growled.

"Now" my voice went deep and the middle of my eyes were in pain.

"No!" he gasped and wrapped his his arms around the same arm and let himself just hang there.

I glared at him And sat down knowing that feli wasn't going to let me go. "Why is he hurt"


"I SAID, WHY IS HE HURT! WHY WONT YOU LET ME GO SEE HIM YOU BASTARD!" my teeth forming into fangs, making my lip bleed as I tried to calm myself down so I didn't hurt feli (physically at least... ).

"...." he started tearing up and looked as if he was trying to form words but they just wouldn't fall out...

"Fuck you" I Soon got up raising my arm to the door, goading it in iron scales just as the last one, before shrinking the door and the stuff behind it (including ludwig) down.

--Antonio's pov--

I woke up to much dismay to find me in a charred room on some towels. Aching bones cracking as I slowly arouse from the said 'bed' to get a full view of my surrondings.

In a room of furniture and many burnt up items hanging from the walls. Next to me there was a not so charred nightstand with a bucket of water in it and a chair which held a sleeping Lovi, who was using the 'bed' as a pillow.


"Lovi!?! Are you ok!?!" He jumped and looked up at me surprised.

"Am I ok!?! Are you ok!?!" He looked worried. I don't care about me right now!

"What happened to your cheek?" I gestured to the bandages on his face but he just shook his head.

"It'll heal in a few days it's fine..." He looked away and blushed. "Are you ok though?"

"Yup! Perfectly a-okay!" He looked relieved but confused and kind of sad. "Awww Loviiii your carrreee"

"Pfftt- as if you bastard" he puffed his cheek (other one is hurt) and crossed his arms, leaning back in the 'chair'. "You wish"

"Oh, Lovi come here, I wanna give you something" he looked at me and glared.

"Only if it'll make you happy.... Bastard" he muttered and walked over to me.

"Yay!" I pulled him into a huh and sat on the bed with him trapped in my arms And struggling until he gave up and sat there silently with me.

"Toni... How did you get hurt....? N-not the I care! It's just that feli and then won't tell me..." He blushed and looked away.

Crap, I don't know what to tell him! I'd was you Lovi. You don't remember?' type thing?!? No that'll break his heart... It'll pirce ((eh? Did I spell it right?!?)) right through that turtle shell of his and hit the bulls eye....

"Oh... Uh, you see I fell down the stairs while carrying some books to feli." He obviously didn't believe me But didn't say anything of the sort.

"Is that so...." he looked down and sat there until feli ran up the stairs and told us it was about time we left.

"Eh? Feli did you find your book?" I looked at him surprised. How long was I out? Did they find it and put Lovi back to normal or did he fix it himself?!?

"Yup-er-ino! Now leeettsss goooo!" he skipped down the hall and down the stairs, fading from my sight.

"Well. You heard the idiota, let's leave... This place brings back too many shit memories" I let Lovi go and he waited for me at the door.

"Come" He looked smugly at me as I climbed out of the bed I'm pain and walked over and made my way outside where feli and Ludwig were holding books and ready to set off.

"When you you guys get here?!?"

"About 5 hours ago?" Mattie said softly and Gilbert just nodded. _-_ he's too quiet...

I opened my sore wings and grabbed lovi, who insisted on him walking home, And kicked off of the ground, the others following suit. We flew home And dealt with little delay... Lovi didn't wanna be up there... But he later fell asleep...

After we got home I put Lovi in his bed and changed my bandages... They aren't as bad as I thought they would be but they still hurt like Shit...

Feli and Ludwig insisted that they Are to do lovi's bandages and for me to sleep on the couch.

What are they hiding from me?

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