Chapter 19

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#GottaKillMySisterForBeingOnMyWattpadReadingEreriShit also #DontEvenKnowIfThatIsLoviButItLooksLikeHim

Antonio's pov

Lovi is acting very distant today... He won't even yell at me for calling him Lovi...

I pouted as I looked throughout the hallways looking for my little Lovi.

I ran into feli on the way and he said that Lovi stormed off to the roof... Like usual?

So I found  way to the stairs that lead to the roof and climbed them. Upon reaching the door I got quiet, Lovi was mumbling something and I couldn't tell what he was saying...

So I sat down getting what I could until he turned around and pretended to shoot himself, with his fingers, and fell backwards.

"Lovi!?!?!?!" I reached my hand over the egde to reach him but my arm was to short. Damn it. He can't fly!

I jumped over the edge and reached out to catch him, and thankfully got to him before he got the ground. Spreading my wings and catching the air beneath them.

Then I started flying back to the roof.

"Lovi! What the hell!?!?!" other than him being a taken back from my cussing, he looks a little pale.... What?!?

"Lovi! Are you even listening to me?!? You could've gotten hurt!" I tried it hold back my anger. But he just laughed.

Lovino laughed...

Mios dios! He might be gotten brain damaged or sick from the fall. Oh god what am I going to do!?!?!?!

Lovi looked at me and I stared back, utterly confused out of my mind.

Lovino laughed More and started to get out of my arms as we were flying.

"Lovi no!" I struggled to hold him back. Eventually getting him to calm down, crossing my arms over his chest and His hands in mine.

Damn is he ok?!? He still laughing and I don't know what to do about it.

I could call Feliciano..... But I think they are still in a fight. He might not help much. Eh, it's worth a shot.

I reached to roof and set Lovino on the floor. In which he crossed his legs criss cross style , me sitting on the cold stone chair behind him, having my legs dangle over his shoulders. He was launhing like a maniac and I really don't wanna hurt him so, I'm just going to hold him down like this.... I need to call feli... He should know what to do?

I reached not my pocket and pulled out my phone. Then unlocked it, and quickly found Feliciano's name and hovered over the call button.

What if he is still really mad at Lovi and dosent wanna help. Or he doesn't know how to help...

Only one way to find out.

I reluntantly pressed my finger to the green button, bringing my phone to my ear and listened as it rung.



Bzzz-- click.

"Ciao~!" feli's cheerfull voice rang through the speakers before he continued. "What's up antonio, how's it going! Where's lovi-no" he said faltering during the last sentence.

"Oh I'm that's actually why I called you" I scratched the back of my head as Lovi tried to free himself from my grasp.

Feli sighed. "You know I really don't wanna deal with your love problems between you two." I blushed, was it really that obvious?

"No, nonono, that's not why I'm calling you. Well um, he is kinda laughing like a psycho and um he usually doesnt even smile, and well, I wanna know if you know what's wrong?"

"Eh?" feli gasped and called Germany over to him. "I don't know what's wrong but it's not good. What color are his eyes!"

"Huh?!? What does that have to do with anyt--" "Antonio! What color are his God damn eyes!" Damn feli calm the Fuck down...

"Hazel-ish? What is the problem!?!"

"Where are you?"

"the top of the school"

"Stay, don't let him move, and especially don't let him use his wings, they can't even be out."

Well damn, his wings are already out and Feliciano is flipping out like a dolphin. Is Lovi ok?!?

While I was waiting for feli to get here i tried to calm Lovi down by petting his head, mindful of the curl... (Last time I touched it he threatened to rip off my wings and pinned me to the ground....) But there was two little stubs growing from the top of his head. Ehhh!?! The only time I've touched or even seen this shit was... My Friend but he was a demon. Lovi is an angel! Right?.....

God damn. To tell you the truth I don't really know what to do with the story right now. I have plans for later on but right now I just need a stable placement XD it's kind of like a filler rn. Loli

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