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Hopefully not as short as I think it is.
And I mean the chapter... 0~0

Oh and I'll eventually go back and finish reworking older chapters. But school is stupid and a thing I need to do in order to get into college so yea. Fun fun.

And after turning Lovino into some satanic thing, I've come to realize that, this is really cringey.

The shadow dropped Lovino and licked it's clawed fingers.

Lovino took in a shaky breath, half-fear, half-relief; He couldn’t make himself look away from the shadow despite the small, pained almost-sob he tried to let out, punching the figure, in (what would be) it's nose. Pressing his palm into the wound, trying to stop the bleeding as he thought of a way out.

Releasing his hold on the other third of his transformation, his fuzzy tail growing big silver spikes from the tip up, shrinking and stopping at the tip of his nose and cat-like claws coating in the same material.

Swinging at the figure as it watched him in a swirling daze.

"That's it. Let it take over Lovino, you can't beat me, without using me~" It threw a pulled punch into Lovino's left shoulder. "I'll even let you~"

Growling Lovino kneed it in it's stomach, and swung at it's face.

Stepping back, it wrapped a strange tail-like shadow around his upbrung knee and threw Lovino backwards, knee shattering against the cave floors.


After hours of chanting and waiting for Lovino to show signs of anything other than his condition worsening, Arthur had everyone take a break.

Strange thorns had risen past Lovino's shoulder and started down his torso, only flowering into his neck.

"How long?" Gilbert asked, breaking the anxious silence.

"-hat?" Arthurs voice cracked, astonished to see Gilbert serious.

"How long until that thing takes over Lovino?"

"I- I don't know. I've never done this before. I don't even know if it is actually possession or not... maybe... he just is supposed to be like that and we aren't helping him..."

"No, Lovino isn't that, thing. Not even a thing, whatever it is that is messing with him needs to be removed. And this may hurt my pride but,  your the only one who can help Arthur."

"Yeah.... ok... we need to get back on track then... everyone to their spots! I need u all to repeat after me, even if you mess up the pronunciation it should be alright, just try to match up!"


Lifting up on one leg is harder than It seems. Especially when you have this huge ass hole in your stomache and fighting a fucking shadow.

But you know, that's not about to stop Lovino! A sudden strength given to him, as if saying "you can do it!", Doubt somehow gone.

He clenched his fist before raising, and charging at the shadow. Before bluffing his head attack and turning it in to a powerful kick. His foot practically going through the shadow, before getting stuck halfway through.

"...that's a thing apparentl--" cut off by the shadow gripping his leg and flinginghim over it's shoulder and falling back onto Lovino, it's weight crushing his rib cage.

"Alright, your friends are pissing me off so your gonna have to hurry up" It dug it's own claws into Lovino's left shoulder, penetrating the metal like substance, and pulled it out of place, the bone showing as his flesh ripped open.

Lovino's deafening scream echoing throughout the cave. Him pushing the shadow off and biting into it's shoulder, expanding his canines in the flesh until he pulled off a huge chunk of its gritty flesh, swallowing it.

"Disgusting! Do you even kn- woah- where that's been?!" It yelled as it dodged Lovino's wing swipe, before Lovino crashed to the floor in a huge gasping pile of silver coated feathers.

"Oh looks like it's finally reached your lungs~" it's smile widened, toothy smirk reached the edge of it's dark head.

"Come on, come on, love. Give up, it's painful to watch you literally beat yourself up" chuckling it grabbed Lovino by his hair and dragged him over the sharp rocks of the cave, to a familiar chest that laid in the corner of the room. "I'll make sure to say goodbye to your brother for you-" the voice fading out as the lid closed over his head,  the darkness of the enclosure consuming him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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