Suprise suprise!!

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Jody's Prov
It just turned 9am, I drag myself out of bed and slowly head downstairs for breakfast. While I make my way downstairs, I hear everyone arguing in the living room. I rush to the room to see what the fuss is about.

Jody:(turns to Tyler) What's everyone arguing about?
Tyler: Mike said we are allowed a new pet, since mischief has gone with Bailey. But we can't decide on the perfect pet.

Floss turns to us, after listening to our conversation.

Floss: I really want a snake, the twins want a rabbit and Tyler wants 2 doves.
Jody:(i turn to Tyler) A Dove?
Tyler: yeah, there good for magic tricks.
Kaz: they also symbolise love..

Everyone laughed, but Tyler looks embarrassed, I feel sorry for him but I just rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen, where I'm met by Mike and May-li.

Mike:(smiles at Jody) finally out of bed then!

I laugh and sit down at the table, I watch May-li examine the empty table in shock.

May-li: Where's everyone else at surprised there not hungry by now.
Jody: There deciding on a pet to get from the pet shop later.
Mike:(walks to the door, looking back at Jody) Have you not got any ideas?
Jody: Nah, not bothered just let them get on with it I suppose.

Mike yells for everyone to come through for breakfast, since they were all still arguing about the pet. They all sit down and start eating.

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