The morning after the party

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The party the amazing, the music was blasting all night, everyone was laughing all night as well. It was such a good night! It went on until about 2/3 in the morning everyone was so tired so loads of people just slept where they were. Tee& Carmen were in the the spare room, Liam and Frank spent the night in Tyler's rooms and Electra in Jody's. Rick and Bailey was on the living room floor and Jody& Tyler were on the sofa together.

"Bailey man, Come look at this" Rick whispers in this ear waking him up.

"No way!, is thats Jody? Thats something i never thought ill see" he quickly snaps a photo on Ricks phone.

"Where's Tyler's shirt?" Rick lifts the blanket and him a bailey look round the room

"Oh Jody's wearing it, thats cute of him" Bailey laughs

"Shall we wake them before everyone wakes up?" Rick looks at his watch

"Yeah better had before Mike catches them he won't be happy"

Mike walks through the door right at that second, Bailey runs to stall mike while Rick tries and wakes them up.

"Tyler man, wake up pal. Mikes coming any minute and if he sees you sleeping with Jody he will go mental" Rick whispers in his ear

"I'm not sleeping with Jod.." Tyler sees his arms on someone and someone's arms on his belly"

"Oh sh*t" Tyler jumps up amd goes and sits on the other side of the room trying not to wake Jody

"Tyler put this on, so it doesn't look obvious" Rick hands him Baileys jumper

"Thanks, what we gonna go about Jody?" Tyler's smiles get big at the thought of her name

"I put the blanket over her so Mike doesn't see the shirt, he proberly won't release but just incase" Rick tells Tyler

"Thank you for the heads up, we wouldn't be trusted together if Mike seen that" Tyler hugs him

"It's fine that's what friends are for, but me and Bailey are taking you out for a birthday breakfast so we can talk"

"Talk about what" Tyler looks confused

"You will see" Rick looks at Jody but Tyler doesn't seem to notice since he's staring at her!

"Tyler dude you okay?" Rick pulls a look at him

"Yeah what, Yeah im fine" Tyler quickly looks at Rick

"You just seen abit distracted"Rick winked

Tyler shook his head, this is when Bailey and Mike come through the door, Rick thumbs up Bailey behind Mikes back and Tyler mouths Thank you to him.

"Happy Birthday Tyler, we are going bowling at 3 in the afternoon and a meal after but until then you can do what use want" Mikes talks really loud it wakes Jody up.

Jody quickly jumps up and looks round her and sees Bailey, Rick, Mike and when Tyler she smiles at him.

"Happy birthday"

"Thanks Jodes" Tyler goes and sits next to her

"Right then you horrible lot i will be in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone" mike shouts

"Oh Tyler, Bailey and I Are going out soon so don't bother cooking us any" Rick tells him

"Okay that's fine be back by 2:30, that's when we leave" mike says

"We won't be to long" Bailey shouts through to the kitchen were Mike went

It's was just them 4 in the room now since knowone else was up yet, then again it was only 9'o clock.

"Where use going then" Jody quizzes them

"Just out for breakfast for a catch up" Rick answers

"Well have a nice time" Jody smiles

She soon relises she is wearing someone's shirt she looks at it and was about to take it off until Tyler steps in

"Thats mine, keep it for now incase you get cold"

"Thank you" she messes up his hair

He does it to her and they start to play fight until Bailey and Rick gets Tyler off her

"Come on we better get going we don't want to miss breakfast" Rick smiles at him

"Sure thing, let's get going. Bye jodes" Tyler nods


As soon as she hears the door slap she makes her way to the spare room where she knows Tee and Carmen were sleeping that night.

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