To much to handle

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Rick, Bailey and Tyler were in Starbucks for a breakfast and a coffee. Tyler is still confused about what they need to talk about but he's just happy he has a bacon roll.

"So why have you brought me to Starbucks on my birthday" Tyler quizzed

"We need to talk to you" Bailey answered

"About what?" Tyler rolls his eyes

"Girls" Rick smirked

Tyler's eyes went wide, he put his food down and carefully listened to them. Baileys phone starts to ring so he leaves the table and leaves Rick and Tyler to talk

"What's the deal with you and Jody?"

"We are friends, best friends"

"Well I don't think use are JUST friends that's all I'm saying"

"What do you mean?" Tyler asks

"Tyler man, I know I'm never around anymore but the texts, emails, snapchats, Skype calls everything you talk about is involved with Jody! You can't go one day without talking about that girl, the day she stepped foot in that house use to have been together it's like a match made in heaven, Tyler I know you like her and I know you were heart broken and still are about JADEN the boy she likes now but your gonna have to pull it together."

"She doesn't like Jaden" Tyler mumbles under his breath

"What Tyler?" Rick pats his back

Tyler get up, he's annoyed at Rick for thinking Jody likes Jaden and more annoyed at his self that he gets so pissed when people mention them to together she had to pretend to like someone he finally understands now it's all his fault Tyler walks out of Starbucks with tears down his face Rick tried to run after him but he loses him through the streets he doesn't have his phone or anything. Tyler gone he's missing!

"Woah what happened, I have all your phones and Tyler's jacket, use just left it" Bailey hands them to Rick

"Tyler's ran off, he's gone we need to call Mike, he could go anywhere" Rick starts to ring Mike

"Whys he done that?" Bailey panicked

"Cause I mentioned Jody likening Jaden" Rick said

Bailey was about to speak until Mike picked up and explain everything.

Back at the house with Jody, Carmen and Tee

"Hey Jody" Carmen rubs her eyes while Tee sits up

"Hey use okay?" Jody asked

"Starving" both girls said in unison

They all laughed and Tee gets up and puts on Ryan's jumper.

"Ooo Tee" Carmen whistled

"It's a jumper Carmen calm down, anyway I'll bring us some pancakes up with Nutella on" Tee laughed

"Thanks Tee" Carmen and Jody say

Tee heads to the kitchen to get the girls some pancakes while Carmen and Jody chat about last night

"So what happened to you last time I saw you, you and Tyler were dancing in the living round to 'I want to know what love is' from Mikes rock of ages albums" Carmen laughed

"We slept together" Jody mumbled and blushed at the fact she was dancing

"You did WHAT, Oh my god are you okay did you use like you know... protection" Carmen looks concerned

"Eww no, not that we just slept together on the couch and cuddled but I don't think we knew until the morning cause I over heard the boys talking about it while they thought I was asleep" Jody makes a gross face

"Oh good you had me worried, Tyler was so cute last night tho wasn't he" Carmen winked

"Why what did he do" Jody acts suspicious

"Well I went to get my ring from the tv stand in the living room while you and Tyler were tipsy and half asleep and basically you were freezing so he took of his shirt and gave it to you and put you on the sofa with a blanket I thought he was going on the floor but he must of crashed out" Carmen laughed

Jody's smile was so big she didn't want to speak but it soon faded when Tee ran into the room with a look of worry in her face.

"Mikes just went off the phone with Rick and Tyler ran off and he's gone missing" Tee got her breath back from running

Jody rushed to her feet, ran past Mike who was going to get the boys to the front door grabbed her white converse put them on and ran out the door with all her party wear on, on a mission to find Tyler. Hearing the words TYLERS MISSING made Jody's heart beat skip she's so worried she calling his name all around the park. She can't find him anywhere she staring to get worried now.


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