How was the date?

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"Jodyyyy your back" the twins say in sync

"OMG, Jody what happened! Your makeup is everywhere, where are your heels? Wait! is that Jadens coat and did he get you that present? What a gentleman!" Candi say as fast as she can

I then notice Tyler on the other side of the table staring at me, waiting for me to explain

"It was raining on the way home that's why my make-up is like this, my heels are by the door. No it's Tyler's coat and Yes the present is off Jaden" Jody clears all Candi's question up at once

"Open it then" Billie insists

I look over at Tyler and he makes a small smile, he pushed the present towards me and I start to open it.

"Wow that's she pretty" Toni admired

I pull out a neckless from the bag, I hear Tyler laugh then I throw it on to the table.

"Candi do you want this" Jody pushes it over to her

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"Candi do you want this" Jody pushes it over to her

"It's for you, and you only it's a love story"

"Anyway how was the date?"Candi winked

"Oh it was great, we talked for the whole thing it wasn't even awkward!" Jody smiled

"Oh that's so good, I'm so happy for you"

"Thanks Candi"

Then the microwave popped so the popcorn was ready and 3 girls jump up and put it in a bowl all the girls smile at them both and walk through back to watch the rest of the film.

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