Night to remember

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Tyler knew how Jody felt about him when she told Carmen and Tee before his party so Tyler needed to show her how much he feels the same way and show how much he cares. So he decided to plan a "night to remember" without anyone knowing not even Mike or May-li.

"Wait where you going?" Jody called out Tyler who rushed upstairs straight after dinner

"Just for a quick shower, be back soon" he replied trying not to smile and give the surprise away

"Okay, I'll be in my room come down when your sorted yeah?"

"Yep will do Jodes"

The way he said jodes melted her heart she wheeled herself to her room and started reading a book.

5 mins later at 7:05 Tyler rushed down the stairs into the garden and set up a tent and throw in his duvet, blankets, pillows anything he could get hold off and then started to put up fairy lights around the inside of the tent. He quickly rushed to the office where he left his bag and emptied it out in the tent it was full of treats for the pair to share. He then quickly melted some chocolate with strawberries placed it in the tent. Tyler couldn't wait for her to see it!!

He told everyone not to go in the garden for the rest of the night and made sure Mike and May-li didn't know anything about it! He quickly ran to Jody's room and knocked on the door

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He told everyone not to go in the garden for the rest of the night and made sure Mike and May-li didn't know anything about it! He quickly ran to Jody's room and knocked on the door

"Knock knock" he puts his head around the door

"Oh heyy, that was quick" she questioned

"Wait and why are you wearing the same clothes as you were before and your hair isn't even damp?" She questioned again

"Yeah erm yeah I jumped in the bath quickly" he quickly replied back

"But the bath takes age--" Jody is still unsure what Tyler is doing but gets interrupted by a question

"Shall we go outside, and look at the starts like old times?" He smiled

Jody looked in on shock she used to love going out with Tyler and looking up at the stars tying to make shapes and naming every single one

"I would love that" she smiled wide and off they went to the garden where Tyler had his surprise waiting

They were at the top of the garden and Tyler took Jody out of her wheelchair and carried her all the way to the tent.

"Omg ty, this is amazing!" She hugged him tight while he seated her down on the blankets

"I'm glad you like it, I thought it would be like old time when we used to spend hours here planning pranks and you naming every star in the whole sky" Tyler smirked

(Side note -- Watch 'everything has changed' music video by Taylor swift and Ed sheeran- this is the kinda vibe I'm going for aha)

"I love this so much, I love spending time with you, your amazing, I love you so much" Jody said really quickly with a huge smile on her face until she released what she just said.

"I mean erm as a mate" she quickly cleared it up

"Yeah same, you know as a mate" Tyler says awkwardly after they sit there in silence and Jody is slightly embarrassed so Tyler breaks it

"Tilly-may" Tyler points at a star

Jody lifts her head up and laughs and does the same

"Ashley-hope" she repeats Tyler's actions

Tyler moves closer to her, he could feel Jody's cold breath go right through him, it was his time to make a move he needed to ask her something.

"Would you like to go to the Christmas kids in care dinner with me? Mike said we had to pick partners and I really wanted to pick you?" Tyler nervously waited for a reply

"Yeah I will thank you, be so good going with my bestfriend" Jody smiles

"Yeah best friend" Tyler muttered under his breath not letting Jody here.

Hours past and both of them were lying on the blankets talking about what they are going to wear for the dinner

"I am NOT wearing a dress" Jody sharply looked at Tyler

"I'm not going to force you" Tyler laughed

"We can go to town tommorow and find you something nice if you want" Jody looked at him

"Yes we could do, and you"

"Yeah and me" Jody rolled her eyes

"So tommorow go to town and we can grab lunch or something"

"Yep can't wait" Jody punched him in the arm

The sky was getting darker, Tyler and Jody fell asleep in each others arms outside under the stars..

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