Tyler's Secret

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Kaz prov
Tyler has his head in his hands and is hiding in the bushes so no one can see him.

Kaz:Bad day?

Tyler didn't reply, I know something was up

Kaz:Tyler, you not happy Jody has actually got a date.

Tyler starts to break down, he can't control his feelings anymore.

Tyler:I like her okay, I really like her. And I'm never going to have the courage to tell her because she's my best friend and I don't want to ruin what we have.
Kaz:Why dont you tell her in a text or letter?
Tyler:Iv tried...
Kaz:How did it go, why don't you send them?
Tyler:I can't put what I feel into words, Iv wrote about 50 letters and they have all gone wrong.
Kaz:Come on, let's go to your room and I can help you.
Tyler:(his face lights up) Really? You will help me.
Kaz:I would love to, come on let's go

We go inside and head to Tyler's room on the way we see Candi-rose& Floss standing outside the bathroom with lots of girly outfits and makeup. I see Tyler look up and laugh.

Tyler:Like she is going to wear any of that.

I smile and then keep walking, as we enter his room I see looks of paper under his bed, I grab some and start reading.

So I like you, and I know I shouldn't but I love you, your my best friend and I love our memories we they are amazing like you.
                                              Ty Xxxxxx

Tyler:Told you, im no good at this
Kaz:Tyler, it will be okay, you tell me what to say and I'll put it in words.

I reached for a bit of paper and sat at his desk and started writing this letter together.

                           •          •          •
Very short chapter, so on Frida I'm going to post 1 chapter so keep a looks out! Xox

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