The worst car journey.

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Readers, I know this is going to be a awful short chapter but I feel like it's key, just so you know what happens between coming out the hospital and Tyler going if that makes sense.


Jaden was stood at the car as soon as mike got there he put his head down in dread, Mike opened the car and they both got in in utter silence. Until Jaden spoke up

"Mike, I'm sorry I really didn't---" mike then cut him off

"Jaden lad, her best friend is sat he his room wondering if he's ever going to look at her again. Imagine being glued together for 3/4 years hand in hand and then some boy just comes and takes her away from him in a matter of days. Making him feel like it's his fault. I just feel you haven't just let Jody down you have let yourself down" mike finished and started the car and back to the house

All the way back was silence, Jaden didn't go on his phone once and looked straight at the road in the distance, the words mike just said stuck to him he was disappointed with himself.

Before the house mike dropped Jaden off at the pet shop, Jaden got owt and said about 20 words before running into the pet shop i guilt.

"Thanks for everything, I will make a apology to everyone I promise, I'm out of order, sorry.

The car door shut and mike carried on and rang may-li on the way back and explained the situation and to tell Tyler what's going on but is Tyler going to do or say.

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