Nothing happend

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It was half-way through the night, and Tyler woke up to see Jody sleeping under her book. He slowly moved it and then thought about what happened just a few hours ago, did it really happen? Did he really just kiss his best friend? No!! He couldn't could he? but he did? He got up and looked at the time it was 7 in the morning he quickly got up and made his way upstairs without being seen to his room but then got stopped at the top of the stairs by Ryan.

"Why were you down there?" He raised his eyebrow

"I was just getting a drink" he confidently folded his arms

"Well where is it" Ryan matched Tyler's position

"Well it's, I drank it" Tyler pushed past Ryan and made his way to his room he walked in and  Sasha was waiting.

"Why you in my room?" Tyler panicked scanning round the room to make sure everything is still there.

Ryan shut the door and stood arms folded in front of it. Tyler was trapped.

"Why did you go downstairs again" Sasha stood in front of him looking into his eyes

"I was, was getting a drink" Tyler's heart was pounding, he couldn't tell them about him and Jody.

"Another drink wow, but what did you do after the other drink last night" Sasha moved closer to him now

Tyler felt him self sweating, he needed to keep it a secret so he doesn't ruin him and Jody's friendship, relationship whatever it is.

"I washed up and came straight to bed" he lied

"Really then we better go then if that's all happened" Ryan told Sasha

"Yeah that's all" Tyler quickly added

"Oh come on then" they made there way to the door but then both turned back round

"We would go if we were utter idiots, right Sasha"

"Right" they both now folded there arms

"What do, do you mea---" Tyler was cut off by Sasha

"For a start, if you came up after a drink, your bed won't be made, it would be all messy from you sleeping in it all night and if I checked downstairs which Ryan did all the cups we had last night were still on the counter" Sasha started walking towards him

Tyler moved back until he banged into a wall, Ryan followed Sasha and kept behind her.

"Tell us the truth or will I need to get Jody's side of the story" Ryan looked back at the door

Tyler knew if he asked Jody she couldn't lie, she would panic really bad, she will be broken.

"Don't ask Jody, I will tell you" Tyler's heart was beating so fast he didn't know what to do

"I slept outside" he quickly spat out

"What??" Ryan moved closer to him

"Check if you don't believe me, blankets and food outside, all from me last night" Tyler's heart started to slow down

Sasha was about to head for the door but Ryan grabbed her arm

"I'll go" he rushed out the door

They stood in silence for about 5 mins until Ryan came back in, he showed them photos of the now wet blankets and plates outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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