Please be OKay

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Jody's running around the park with tears in her eyes, it was starting to rain now and all she had to keep her warm was Tyler's shirt. She knew where he might be but it take 10 minutes from here just running but she's got to do it for Tyler's sake. She begins to run through the park into a field, jumped a stream and heads through a forest and finally reaches there hideaway, when she sees Tyler in there she was so relieved she could tell he was crying but she didn't know what about.

"Hey, bad time" Jody whispers to Tyler and sits on the floor beside him

Tyler quickly wipes his tears away and smiles at her but Jody didn't return the smile

"What did you do to your hand your bleeding" Jody picked up his hand it was all cut up

"I punched the tree" Tyler looked up at Jody she turned away and looks at the tree

"Tyler why? What happened your suppose to be happy it's your birthday not punching trees in anger" Jody took off Tyler's shirt which was so dirty and wrapped a clean bit around his hand

"You can't do that, look at you your freezing" Tyler gave the shirt back

"Your loosing a lot of blood Ty, you need this on to stop it" Jody places back on him

Tyler quickly takes off Baileys hoodie and wraps it round her she hugs him tight and they both sit there in silence until Jody's phones rang, it was Rick

"Jody have you found him, please say you have im worried sick"

"Yeah I have IV got him, Come on your own with this jacket please" Jody asks him

"Where are you?"

"Blue Forrest, in the den"

"I'm in the field, I'll be there in 2 mins"

Rick joined the pair on the floor and but Tyler's jacket on him. Rick could tell Tyler had been crying but then he notices his hand

"Tyler, oh god, your hand, you need to go to A&e"

"No I don't" Tyler cuddles into Jody more now for protection

"Tyler yes you do, your hand looks serious" Jody steps in

Jody gets up and hold both of her hands out both Rick and Tyler taken them and they start walking to the hospital. On the way to the hospital Tyler and Rick walk ahead and talk about what happens Jody let them she thought it was quite serious, She was walking and she forgot about the stream, she slipped and hit her head on a rock, Tyler and Rick came running and help her, thats when they called am ambulance and Mike everyone they called turned up, Jody blacked out, she hasn't woke up yet the nurse said she might not wake up its early days when Tyler here that news he breaks down he can't control his crying anymore, he's sitting in a hospital reception crying, screaming because Jody might not wake up ever again.

"This is all my fu*k*ng fault, Why am I such an idiot" Tyler punches the wall and forgets this hand isn't in the best shape

A nurse rushes over and quickly checks him out he's broken 2 fingers and his wrist he's in a cast but he doesn't care he only cares about Jody. Tyler runs back to the reception with his cast waiting for news about Jody.

"We haven't heard about anything kid, the nurse said you can visit her tomorrow, she most liking to wake up then" mike puts his arm around him

Tyler has his head in his hands, he doesn't want to go home and Mike respects his decision so let's him stay but makes him shower and change in the hospital and give him blankets so he can sleep in the corner of the waiting room. Mike will he there all night as well but he will just sit in his chair.  

"Hey kid, Come here" mike taps the seat in front of him and Tyler makes his way over. Mike talks to Tyler about everything they have a heart to heart and tells him everything is going to be okay, Jody is strong. She will fight through this! While Mikes speaking Tyler starts to doze off so Mike let's him sleep. The only thing they can do is wait till the morning to see if Jody can get better...

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