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Tyler's just woke up, he forgot Jody was in the hospital! He quickly runs over to Mike who was reading the paper and asks him what's going on.

"Is Jody okay? Have you heard anything"

"Shes breathing but she just has not woke up yet, they don't know how long it will take we could be talking days, maybe weeks Tyler. They have told us to go home and they will be checks on her every 10 minutes and keep us updated"

"I'm not leaving her by herself you know what she's like if she doesn't know anyone or where she is"

"Tyler you can't stay here for days waiting for her, you need sleep proper sleep in a bed, shower, clean clothes and a decent meal. Come on, we can come and visit her in 4 hours when your allowed" mike comforts him

"4 hours is a long time mike what if she wakes up I want to be right there with her"

"Fine 3 hours, ill bring you right back to the hospital okay?"

"Okay, can I see her now before I leave"

The nurse comes over and answers Tyler's question before Mike and hands Mike some of Jody's things

"Sorry but your girlfriend isn't in a good state to be seen, she needs cleaned up before you can even enter the room. While your away we will clean her up so you can come in"

"Thank you ever so much" mike shakes her hand and Tyler just stands there shocked

"Your girlfriend will be fine don't worry she's in safe hands"

"Bestfriend" Tyler corrects her

"Sorry your bestfriend will be fine here" the nurse repeated herself

Mike smiles at her and put his arm around Tyler

"Come on kid let's get you home quickly"


Knowone spoke on the way home it was just silence as soon as Tyler got in the house he ignored everyone and went to the bathroom, Rick went to check up on him but reached the door and heard him crying to himself.

"Why did I do that to you, I love you Jody, it's all my fault. I need to tell how I truly feel" Tyler sobbed

Rick stayed there until Tyler got in the shower and then went to join the others who were making Breakfast. Rick helped Mike make Tyler breakfast and he put it on his desk. Tyler didn't take long in the shower he quickly got ready and was just starting to eat until the office phone starts to ring, he quickly runs down stairs where everyone all ready is waiting outside the office.

"Hello. That's good. Sure I will be sure to tell him, Ok great news. No no we understand. Yep will do. Thank you for your help, you have been wonderful" Mike ends the call and then turns around to see everyone looking at him.

"Was that the hospital mike" Tee asks

"Yep it was"

"What did that say? Is Jody going to be alright" Tyler sits down on the step waiting for the news

"They said that Jody is going to be fine while they were cleaning her up they seen a slight problem, they acted quickly and managed to sort it out before it was to late, she should wake up in around 4-6 hours so the medication can kick in so at visiting time she should be awake, she can go home tommorow but will have to go to the hospital for daily checks"

"Thats great news" Rick said

"Tyler she is going to be okay" Kaz patted him on this back

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