Sorry(btw short chapter)

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"It's my fault isn't it, she will never want to see me ever again what was I thinking" Tyler put his head down

"Mate it wasn't your fault, she slipped it was an accident" mike sat down by him

"It was my fault mike everyone knows it was my fault I don't think I can look Jody again now"

"Well you can still come to the hospital because I'm not taking Jaden if you still want to go"

"Take him, she would rather see anyone but me" tears fell from his face onto his hands

"Okay well I'm going to go now, she will be home in a few hours so maybe sort her room out or make her something to eat"

Tyler nodded.

This is when Jaden came into his room and looked at him in disgust.

"Mike when are we leaving"

"Now Jaden"

He was about to walk out of his room till Rick called him

"Jaden, Tyler's bag is here with all of Jody's fav clothes and treats, take it" Rick held it up

"Nah, me and floss know her and have done something ourselves thanks tho mate"

He walked out and mike followed. The house was silent the only thing that was heard was the door shut and the car drive off.

Rick got up and stood over Tyler

"Come on, let's go and make Jody's favourite food, is it chicken nuggets and fries?"

"Triple pepperoni pizza, garlic bread balls and strawberry smoothie with mint chocolate chip ice cream and biscuits for pudding" he whispered

"Wow, you know everything about her" Rick stood straight

"But she will never want to know me again will she" Tyler sobbed

"Tyler it wasn't your fault!"

"Can you go, order from pizza base she likes them the best and the ice cream from Tesco with chocolate hobnobs"

"I will be mate, see you later"

This is when Rick walked out the room, Tyler started to cry his friendship may be over with Jody.

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