The incident

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We walk to meet the rest, but some boy holding some dog food knocks Jody and she falls to the ground.

Jody:Owww my knee!!
Tyler:Jody, take my hand
Jaden:I'm so so Sorry, Are you okay?
Tyler:Clearly not, thanks to you!

Jody looks up, and her eyes brightens up she quickly takes my hand and I help her up.

Jody:(chocking on her words) it's okay, don't worry about it.

I am gobsmacked, if I knocked her over, I wouldn't hear the end of it.

Ryan's Prov
I looked at the incident, and then I look around the room, I see Kaz trying to get my attention. I walk over to her and she whispers in my ear.

Kaz:She LIKES him!!
Ryan:What? Who likes who?
Kaz:Jody!! She likes that boy.
Ryan:How do you know?
Kaz:The way she looks at him, and if you hurt her like that you wouldn't get a sorry would you?
Ryan:Ik, I'll get a mouthful

I walk over to Tyler and Jody, who are still talking to each other.

Ryan:Use wanna go to the birds cages outside?
Tyler:Yeah cool, Jody you coming?
Jody:(hesitating) Erm?, ill stay here and get the guinea pig food.

She is pointing at the dog food? Tyler looks very confused, but Ik what she is doing! The boy who knocked her over is stacking up the dog food near us, she defiantly just wants to check him out.

Tyler:You know that's dog food right Jody?
Jody:oh yeah, I forg...

Kaz then shouts Jody over to help her look for food. Jody quickly walks over to her, she is shaking her head in embrasement from what has just happened.

Kaz prov
Jody looks red& self-conscious, she comes over to me, and try's to hide.

Kaz:Whats up Jody?
Jody:Oh nothing, just board

I know the truth, but I just laugh with her and carry on looking at the food. After we get everything we need, we give it to Mike and he turns to us.

Mike:The guinea pig isn't ready for another 30 mins or so, youse and the older boys can sit in the cafe round the corner so your not stuck here?

Jody:thanks mike, I'll go and get the boys.
Kaz:I'll meet use in there soon then.

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