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Ryan's prov
Tyler and I are looking at the birds until, I see the boy who knocked Jody over, walk over to us.

Jaden:Hey, sorry about before.

Me and Tyler both nod and watch him walk forward and begin to speak again.

Jaden:So I was wondering what is that lasses name?

Tyler instantly looks up

Tyler:It's Jody

Jaden smiles and then looks at Tyler

Jaden:Shes beautiful, she was so nice

I step forward, in shock

Ryan:Do you like her?
Jaden:Erm well yeah, I really want to get to know her.
Tyler:(jumps into conversation) Name??
Jaden:(mumbling) Jaden, wait does she have a boyfriend?

We both answer at the same time, Jaden looks confused, so I carry on.

Ryan:(dirty-looking Tyler)She doesn't, he's just playing
Jaden:Sweet thanks??
Ryan:Sorry im Ryan, and this is Tyler.
Jaden:So Tyler. Do you have have number?
Tyler:(sternly) Ask her yourself
Ryan:Tyler's right mate, it's better to ask that question yourself.

Out of no where, Jody come round the corner

Jody:Whats Tyler right about? First time in forever.
Tyler:Excuse me, I am right about a lot of things, thanks!

Jody doesn't notice Jaden stood behind me, so carries on speaking.

Jody:Mike said, we can go to the cafe next door while we wait for the guinea pig.

She then starts to walk closer to us until she sees Jaden, and just stops in her tracks.

Tyler:Yeah sure!, Ryan you coming?

Tyler puts his arm around Jody and messes up her hair. She jumps up and does the same to him.

Jody:Stop! Quits Quits
Tyler:(laughing) 1-0

She laughs and then looks at me.

Ryan:(winking) Jaden wanna come?
Jaden:Okay, I'll just take my break early.
Ryan:ok, see you in 5
Jody:(whispers) aw Jaden
Jody:(blushing) errrm nothing:/

We all walk back inside and then Jody pushes Tyler's arm off her and quickly walks out the pet shop into the café.

Tyler:(turns to Ryan) Shes never done that before, I wonder what's up with her.
Ryan:what do you think is wrong with her! SHE LIKES JADEN!!

Tyler looks shocked, but more jealous, why is he being like this?

Tyler:do you think? She's never liked anyway before?
Ryan:Well why else will she act like that?
Ryan:(jumps in) Exactly, Tyler watch her in the cafe, Ik im right. I don't even see why you care it's not like use go out ahaha
Tyler:(mumbles to himself) I wish we were

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