Where have you been?

816 13 2

The door shut, this is the first time Tyler has seen Jody in days. Tyler stood there staring at her, and Jody at him. Jody was covered in dirt and you could see blood from her head all over the white sheets on the hospital bed and the top of her hair, her arms and legs were covered in bandages and a cast on her left arm. It was silent, Tyler's face fell, tears in his eyes. He walked over to Jody and sat on the bed next to her and gave her the longest hug in the world.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen" Tyler sobbed into Jody's shoulder

"It wasn't you Ty, I was the one that slipped on the rock wasn't it" Jody cried

"But I was the one that ran away and you came looking for me, you saved me and I just chucked it back in your face, I'm sorry"

"Ty, you have saved my life in so many ways I can't even remember, the fire remember!"

"Yeah but you could of lost your life"

"And if that fire touched your crazy hair of yours so could of you" Jody smiled

"I'm so sorry still I will make it up to you, I promise, I love you" Tyler quickly said while he stopped the hug

Jody was shocked by what Tyler just said and blushed a bit but she couldn't stop thinking it over and over.

"Tyler, next time if anything like this happens again promise me you won't let anyone step in your way to see me because I only want to see you"

"I promise, jodes"

They hugged again and then looked at each other and were about to kiss until Jody sees the bag Tyler got her

"What's in the bag"

Tyler looked down and seen it

"Yeah erm yeah, it's got your things in" Tyler awkwardly spat out

"Oh really, Jaden got me something to"

"Oh enjoy Jadens" he laughed and jody joined

"I would rather have yours anyway though" Jody finished

Tyler have her the bag of the things he got her, she opened it with her right hand and then started to take out all her things.

"Thank you so much Ty, I can't wait to get out of this"

"It's fine, I can't wait to get you home"

"Same, can't wait to see everyone"

Suddenly, Katy the nurse came in.

"Hello guys, sorry to interrupt but Jody the bath is ready we can get you cleaned up and with new bandages and cast, and also them clothes and then you can go home"

"Really I can go home" Jody smiled so big

"Of course, just pop down here and then you can get to the showers"

Jody was struggling to get out the bed so Tyler stepped in

"May I"

"Thanks Ty"

He carried her all the way to the bath, Tyler waited outside while Jody was in the baths 40 mins later, Katy let Tyler in Jody was fully clothed, lying on the bed getting a new cast and bandages. Mike was still outside filling in Jody's forms so Jody can come every other day for a check up.

"Right then miss, that's you sorted I will see you Sunday(it was Friday)" Katy smiled

"What? Why?" Jody sat up

"You have to come every other day just for a check up for your head, don't worry it will only take 20 mins max" Katy told her

"Oh okay can Tyler co-"

"Yeah Tyler can come"

"Thanks" they both said together and then they all start laughing

Mike comes in the room now with a doctors behind him.

"Jody Jackson" he says

"Yep this is her, thanks Karl" Katy pointed at her

Karl was wheeling in a wheelchair, he left it near Jody and then smiled at Katy giving for some forms and walked out the room.

"What's that from" Jody looks confused along with Tyler

"You, you don't think you can walk can you?" Katy asked her

"I can walk, i think" Jody told her

"Watch" Jody looked at her

Jody couldn't get off the bed without getting hurt, when she put her foot down she put it back on the bed because of the pain.

"Come jodes, a couple of days can't hurt" Tyler lifts her into the wheelchair

"I don't want to be in a wheelchair" Jody told them

"I'm sorry Jody but you need to strengthen yourself before you can walk" Katy told her

Mike went in his pocket and gave Tyler £5, use two go to the cafe and get some drinks while I talk to Katy.

"Okay thanks mike" they both say

"Bye Katy" Tyler waved

"Bye Katy see you Sunday" Jody waved also

"Bye guys, take care of yourself" Katy smiled and waved

Tyler wheels Jody out the room leaving mike and Katy to talk.

"So what's do I need to know" mike asked Katy

"Basically, Jody needs to be come to the hospital every other day to get medication and also pain relief, she needs to be in a wheel chair for 2/3 weeks and then after a week being in the wheelchair, we will start light physio so she can learn to talk again and do basic things her self. Also if she wants to wash ring the hospital and we will bring someone down and do it for her."

"Thanks for your help, Katy you have been brilliant" mike shakes her hand

"It's okay, Jody and Tyler are a pair aren't they" she winks

"Oh yes they are a pair" mike laughs

A doctor then knocks at the door wanting Katy

"Well I'm gonna have to go see you Sunday"

"See you" mike walked out the room on the way to the cafe to find Jody and Tyler.

The pair were waiting out side the cafe with a bag of goodies as they all were together they walked slowly at the hospital to the mini van.

"How am I supposed to get in" Jody sighed

"Come on" Tyler picked for up and put her in the front seat

Mike grappled the wheel chair and put it in the back they then jumped in the van and headed off home. 

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