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Back at the dumping ground

The phone rings everyone but Tyler stumbles into the hallway outside the office listening to every single word

"Hello.... Mike what's wrong....omg is she okay.....I will.......don't worry........oh okay......bye mike"

May-li opened the office door, knowing everyone knew something is wrong, she quickly explained and everyone's faces dropped they all stood there looking at the floor. In the mean time may-li rushed upstairs to talk to Tyler. She knocks on the door and there was no answer so she just walks in and sees him sat on his desk with puffy eyes, taping a letter. She sees it for Jody but doesn't put across to Tyler she has seen it.

"Tyler. I have some news about Jody" may-li sits on Tyler's bed

He quickly turns round and wipes his tears

"She is awake, but she isn't okay. She just wants you Tyler, she told Jaden to go and you to come, so Jaden shouted at her while Mike walked in and she is very scared and upset because of that. Mike is on his way to pick you up if you want to see her. She really wants you Tyler she doesn't blame you she loves you. She's your best friend"

"I feel like I'm never ever going to make it up to her"

"Why don't you start now by going to see her"

"But what if Iv ruined her life"

"Well that means you can save her again, like you saved her in a burning building and helped her escape her brother"

"But what if she's never feels safe again"

"Well with you by her side I think she will feel protected like she does every single day. Tyler some things never change and you and Jody being bestfriend is one of them"

After this being said Tyler gets up and gives May-li the longest hug. He then notices Rick by the door so he puts his shoes on, gets the bag full of Jody's things and walks out the door Rick put his hand round his shoulders and walk down the stairs everyone looked up and could tell he had been crying but didn't say anything because he was with Rick, they all slowly left the hallway as Tyler walked out the door Rick patted his back and whispered in his ear

"Good luck"

Tyler stood outside, sitting on the wall waiting for mike. Everybody watched from the window as he got into mikes car and drove off to the hospital.

In mikes car.

"Tyler when you walk in expect to see Jody looking slightly dull, when I left her eyes were full of tears. She isn't in a great shape there's blood all over her and dirt up and down her legs and arms, but just remember she will be glad to see you"

"I'm scared Mike, I feel like the way she is now is all my fault"

"Tyler you were upset so you walked away she came and found you and then on the way back she slipped, you didn't push her or trip her up on purpose she slipped. Nothing you could do about it"

Tyler acknowledged what mike said but didn't reply he kept replying the miles words in his head over and over and then looked up as they came to the hospital car park.

"Drop me off here" Tyler gets his bag and opens the door

Tyler sprints out the car, he doesn't stop for anyone he makes his way through everyone like a maze. He finally reached the reception desk and quickly asks to see Jody, the hospital staff turned round and it was Katy the nurse they seen yesterday.

"Hello, sorry please can you tell me what room Jody Jackson is in?" Tyler races through his words

"Omg Tyler, your here, thank god she just got moved to 45 which is through that door 2 on the left"

As soon as Tyler heard that he ran through the door looked for 45 and when he reached it he froze his hand was on the handle and he couldn't move, the handle jiggered as he was shaking he heard a tiny whimper coming from inside

"Ty... is that you?" She sounded heartbroken

Tyler shook off his nervous and entered the room shutting the door behind him, escaping society and everyone else around...

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