Sasha's discovery

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Sasha's Prov
I look over at Jody and Tyler, Jody is cuddled into Tyler and he has his arm around her, I always forget they are just best friends and not together. The film finishes so we all go to get ready to go to the pet shop. I walk up to Jody's room where she is doing her hair.

Sasha:You nearly ready, we only have 5 mins
Jody:Yeah,yeah I'll just go and put my shoes on.

Jody walks out the room, I look around her bedroom, it's filled with photos of her and Tyler, Suddenly Tyler walks in and he looks confused.

Sasha:Shes downstairs putting her shoes on.
Tyler:Thanks, Sasha:)

I smile him and follow him out the room. Tyler's eyes light up when he see's Jody. I have a funny feeling he likes her, more than friends! I talk to Floss and Kaz about it who both the same way, but we are just gonna keep it to yourselves until something else happens.

Tyler's Prov
May-li:We can all start walking now, everyone is here.
Jody:What?, we are walking!!!!!
May-li:It's only 10 mins away, I think you will survive.
Jody:But my knee, it's so sore from PE yesterday:(
Tyler:Piggy back??
Jody:(smiling) Yeah, please.

We are all walking to the pet shop, well apart from Jody who is on my back but I don't mind.

Jody:Ty, erm I mean Tyler, can you put me down NOW please!!
Tyler:Are you sure? It's only round the corner.
Jody:(panicked) Tyler Pleaseeee!!!

I put Jody down and she's shaking, she stumbles and her heart is pounding, I catch her . She's breathing so heavily, I hug she so she doesn't fall.

Tyler:Jodes, whats Wong??
Jody:I can't, I feel...
Tyler:You feel what, Are you okay?

Jody suddenly stands up and looks up at me, she is breathing normally again, I'm so worried.

Jody:I'm fine now, it's okay

I pull her to the side while everyone is entering the pet shop.

Tyler:(concerned) Jody what the hell was that?
Jody:I don't know, I get them sometimes.
Tyler:I think you need to tel Mike and see a Doctor
Jody:Ty, trust me I'm fine. Love you:)
Tyler:You too
Jody:(nudging him) Sorry i didn't quite catch that.
Tyler:I love you too!

She smiles& takes my arm, As we walk through the shop door all my worry is gone!

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