Dont know what ill do without you.

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We reach the house, the first thing I see is all the Christmas decorations lit up in different colours, as they shine through the mini van Mike gets out and helps me into my wheelchair. Tyler then jumps round and pushed me to the door. I look round and see the amazing lights.

"I love them" Jody whispers

Tyler gets caught off guard for a second, he was to busy staring at Jody glowing in the lights

"Erm, yeah, yeah there really nice" Tyler pretends to stretch

Jody laughs and mike locks the mini van and opens the door to the house, Tyler then wheels her in. Once they are inside, it's silent they can't here anyone. May-li comes out the office and explains.

"Iv sent them to the park for a few hours while you settle in, I didn't think you would want the chaos of everyone asking you questions"

"Thanks may-li" Jody smiles

Jody hates attention, she hates everyone staring at her

"Mike, where am I going to stay" Jody wondered

"You can share with Chloe?" Tyler suggested

"No come with me" may-li started walking to the spare room, carman and Tee stayed in when they were here for Tyler's birthday

She opens the door and jody is faced with her room but downstairs it's so Christmassy(Christmas is in 20 days)

She opens the door and jody is faced with her room but downstairs it's so Christmassy(Christmas is in 20 days)

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"Everyone has decorated the spare room downstairs for you" may-li smiled

"Thank you so much" Jody smiles so big

"Your welcome" may-li hugs her

"Since everyone is away we can watch the film you got me for my birthday in private" Tyler suggested

"Yeah" Jody looked at him, she wheeled herself out the room and followed Tyler to the sitting room. The film is about to start and Tyler has now helped Jody on the sofa with many blankets and pillows, but then they both look at each other before Tyler speaks.

"I think we need some..."

"Popcorn" they both say and then laugh, however may-li was already one step ahead of them and gave them a big bowl of pop corn and drinks to share

"Thank you" they both smiled at her as she switched off the light and let them enjoy the film.

The film they watched was called blended, which is a romantic comedy.

After the film finished, Tyler got up and switched the light on and put the empty popcorn bowl on the table.

"Jody, I think that this is one of the best films Iv ever watched, thank you"

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