Secret what sasha knows

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It was about 12 at night when Tyler woke up and seen him and Jody sleeping together arm in arm he smirked and cuddled her so she feels safe but then he felt drops of water fall on him, it was starting to rain.

"Shit Jodes wake up" Tyler moved her as she opened her eyes

"What? What time is it? Wait is that the rain" she rolled her eyes

"Tyler I can't see anything" she grabbed his arm to Tyler's surprise and Tyler carried her inside

She hugged him tight as they went through the back door and locked it behind them.

Tyler placed Jody on a chair and sat down.

"Tyler tonight was amazing" she smiled giving him the biggest hug

"I mean it was nothing just thought you needed cheered up" Tyler nervously stuttered

The two both smiled and looked at each other Tyler leaned in, along with Jody and they placed there lips together, it started to go passionate more and more, Jody placed her hand around Tyler's neck while Tyler grabbed Jody's waist. It was going on for abit until they heard a noise, foot steps so they quickly stopped and looked at the door.

"Oh hi Sasha" Jody greeted her hoping she seen nothing

"Hi? Why are use in here so late" she replied

"We could ask you the same question" tyler gave her a look

"Just getting a drink, now you turn" Sasha raised her eyebrows

"I couldn't sleep so came downstairs and see Jody's light was on so went in and she couldn't sleep either so we came in here" Tyler looked at Jody who started to breathe normally again.

"Well do you want a drink" Sasha asked them

"Nah it's okay I'm getting tired now so gonna head to bed" Jody persuaded Sasha and got Tyler to take her to her room since she still can't walk.

He popped her down on her bed and gave her one last kiss night but then Jody grabbed Tyler's tassels on his green hoodie and dragged him on the bed still kissing him deeply, They didn't know Sasha followed them and she looked through the door surprised she quickly snapped 2 photos before hurrying back to the kitchen to fetch her drink.

"Jodes. Jodes. I'm gonna have to go, Sasha will get suspicious" Tyler whispered in her ear

She let go off him and smiled. "Night ty" she whispered

He took off his hoodie and gave it to her and then quickly knocked off the light and shut the door too, and then headed back to the kitchen.

"What took you so long?" Sasha questioned as soon as he entered the room

"Oh well she needed help with her pillows and the she dropped her only hair bobble thing and I had to look for it" Tyler told her without giving a sign of lying which he was proud off but Sasha knew the truth

"Oh fair enough, you know what she's like she always needs her hair in a bobble" Sasha rolled her eyes not letting Tyler see and then casually walked out the room staring at Tyler until she was no where to be seen.

"Well that the weird" Tyler said to him self quietly

"What was" Candi rose said out of nowhere staring in Tyler's direction

"Candi don't do that, you snook up on me" he told her

"I only want some water"

"What for?"

"Because I'm super duper thirsty" she replied

"It's 12:30am" Tyler looked at her

"Ok ok. I just heard noises from down here and wanted to see what was going on" she brushed through her hair with her fingers

" that sounds more like your" Tyler tells her

"Anyway obvs no gossip down here, I might aswell get a drink now" as she filled up her cup and walked out of the room

"Night" she looked at Tyler

"Night" he replied

As he finished his hot drink he noticed light coming from the spare room where Jody is now staying he tip toed to the room and looked through the door and seen her sat up reading under the bed side light. She looked up and see him and waved him over.

"How long have you been there for?" She asked him

"Only for a few seconds" he Lied down next to her

Jody carried on reading while Tyler listened to her breathe carefully it soon but him straight to sleep. As Jody finished the chapter she looked down and seen Tyler sleeping like a baby next to her she leaned over him and switched off her light. Cuddled in next to him. She felt safe and protected with him she didn't want to let him go. 

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