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Chloe: Why don't we get a cat?
Finn:(makes a face) Ew no! I hate cats.

Everyone laughs but not Jody, Tyler notices and gets up and hugs her from behind while she is sitting down.

Tyler:(whispers in jody's ear) Jodes, What's up? Are you okay?

Before I answer Ryan wolf-whistles and makes a comment about how cute we look. Me and Tyler both look up in shock.

Tyler: Shut up! She's my bestfriend!
Jody: Exactly idiot!
Candi-rose:(looks interested) hang on, use don't go out?
Tyler: NO!! We are Bestfriends.

Annoyed Tyler walks walks back to his seat, everyone looks around awkwardly until Mike breaks the silence.

Mike: So you horrible lot, What pet we getting then!
Floss: We have a few ideas.
Mike: I'm all ears!
Floss: A snake, rabbit, hamster and 2 doves.
Archie: I wanted the hamster!
May-li:(jumps into discussion) I have an idea , What about a Guinea pig? There cute and fluffy and they stay in one place so we don't lose it.

Everyone looks around nodding and smiling

Mike: So that's settled then, meet at front door at 1pm!!

Finally the conversation is over, so we all get up and go to our rooms.

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