People change

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Tyler's prov
Jaden and Jody have become closer and closer over the last 3 days they have met up every night after school and they text each other 24/7. Jody is starting to act different she hangs around with Candi-rose and the Twins doing makeovers instead of me playing football and skating at the skate park. Her fashion has changed as well she is wearing clothes that she wouldn't of been seen dead in 3 days ago.

 Her fashion has changed as well she is wearing clothes that she wouldn't of been seen dead in 3 days ago

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Today she is wearing a white top and skirt I can't believe it. She will normally just wear joggers and a baggy top. Candi is doing Jody's nails in the kitchen while I make myself some breakfast.

"Pink&Purple or Gold&Nude" Candi shows Jody the nail polish

"Pink and Purple, they are my favourite colours, i love them" jodie points at the polish

I can't help but laugh they both look at me and stare

"Since when how you liked pink, thought your favourite colour is blue, have you not seen your bedroom" Tyler argues

"People change Tyler" Candi fights back in disgust

I roll my eyes and give Jody her football boots but she just looked at them and pushed them on the floor, I couldn't watch her get brainwashed anymore so I grab my phone off the table and rush to my room.

Iv been sat in my room for a good 5 hours just thinking and writing a letter for my mam. Kaz came in to see if I was okay but I just lied I'm heartbroken how the Jody I knew has now changed for a boy shes just met. Jody has just came in from shopping(yes she goes shopping now) she calls my name as soon as she comes in I jump up from my bed to see what's wrong with her.

"I got you a present" Jody looks up at Tyler while he comes down the stares

"Did you actually" Tyler helps her carries all 7 of her shopping bags from town, upstairs into her room.

"Yeah, I hope you like it"

"Woahhh Jody this must of cost a fortune"

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"Woahhh Jody this must of cost a fortune"

"It wasn't that much, I payed from my cafe tips"

"Wait why, whats this for?" Tyler tries on the jacket

"I thought you didn't like me anymore, I thought you hated me"

"Why would you ever think that jodes"

"Well we haven't spoke probably in ages and we never seem to do anything together anymore"

"Because I thought you didn't want me to be with you anymore, you have changed so I just stepped back and let you"

Jody put her head down, shes realised that she has changed for a boy she's just met. I realise it's Tuesday and it's the day we go for a run together so I break the silence.


"Of course" Jody looked up with a huge smile on her face she grabs some sports stuff from her JD bag

"I'll give you time to get ready, I'll be outside" Tyler shuts the door behind him

Jody gets ready into her new running stuff and heads downstairs to go and meet Tyler.

I see Jody come outside the door, and OMG she looks amazing we smile at each other and head to the park to start out 30 mins run

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I see Jody come outside the door, and OMG she looks amazing we smile at each other and head to the park to start out 30 mins run.

"Shall we get some ice cream" Tyler points out the van

"Sure, but just this once" Jody winks at him

"Yesss get in aha" Tyler cheers

Jody laughs at him and they run over to the ice cream van.

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