Jody's makeover

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Jody's prov
I walk out the bathroom and see Candi-rose& Floss smiling at me.

Floss:We are here to help you get ready for your date.
Candi:We are gonna give you a makeover.
Jody:1.Its not a date and 2.Ill just get Tyler to help me.
Floss:(laughing) you can't let a boy help you, he will be useless!
Jody:But I trust him, he's my best friend.
Candi:Jody, do you want this boy Jaden to like you?
Jody:(sighing) ok fine, but don't go over the top.
Candi:Come on, we have a lot of work to do!!
Jody:Wait!! What's that supposed to mean.
Floss:shut up! And let Candi do her thing.

I sat in my chair, while Candi-rose gets me ready. She is putting makeup on me, I haven't got a clue what half of it is.

Jody:what is that?
Jody:Ew what, you write with them on PAPER not skin!
Candi:(laughing) you haven't got a clue have you
Jody:well, I have just never wore it before.

Candi-rose quickly does my hair in a braided pony tail since I wouldn't  let her do anything else with it.

Candi:My work her is done, floss has picked you out an outfit from clothes Tee and Carmen left behind.
Jody:Wait, I was just gonna wear this...

Floss:You look like a boy, now off you go and get changed before I rip the last chapter of your book up

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Floss:You look like a boy, now off you go and get changed before I rip the last chapter of your book up.
Jody:You wouldn't!
Floss:Yes I would..
Jody:Fine, im going

I get ready into what she picked out, it's so uncomfortable. I walk back into my room until I remember I left my lucky bracket in Tyler's room.

Jody:I'll be back in a min, I need to get something.
Floss:Jody wait, put these on.

Shes gives me a pair of heels, I quickly put them on and then see Candi's face light up.

Shes gives me a pair of heels, I quickly put them on and then see Candi's face light up

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Candi:OMG!! You look amazing.
Jody:Thanks I guess, well I mean thanks for everything.

I walk into Tyler's room, and I can hear him talking to someone, I think it's Kaz. I'm going to scare them, I put my hand on the door and start counting in my head. 5..4..3..2..1

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