Tylers party

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Carmen's prov
Jody and I are in the kitchen where everyone is sat playing a game even mike but may-li is making the BBQ.

"Are we to late to join the game?" Carmen taps Liam on the shoulder

"No, no we are just about to start" Liam smiles

"What we playing" Jody looks around the table

Everyone stoped and stared at her, I notice Tyler's mouth drop as soon as he saw her.

"What?" Jody looks confused

"Your look different; thats all" Moe smiles

"Any way, its truth and dare" Liam announces

"Jody, come sit here" Tyler points at an empty seat next to him

She smiles and we start the game. The truths are in one bowl and the dares are in another and if you forfeit your phone goes in the middle of the table and you can't have it until 10pm. First person to start is Jonny.

"Truth or dare" Liam laughs


"You have to sing your favourite song and scream as loins as you can the chorus "

Jonny starts to sing 'Mr Bright side' everyone is laughing when he starts screaming the chorus. Jonny laughs when he finishes the song and we all clap. Liam then passes the bowl of truth and Dares to Floss she is next to go, she has to eat 20 sweets in 45 seconds that's easy for her. After her was Carmen who had to belly dance to 'what does the Fox say", Bailey who admitted he couldn't swim until he was 10, Kaz who would slap a friend for £300, Tee who had to drink a mixture of grape Mayo& cucumber blended together, Electra ate a onion like it was an apple, Rick who had to tell us his worst fear which is moths and then it was Tyler's turn.

"I pick Truth, no dare, no truth. I pick truth"

"Are you sure?" Liam gigged

"Yeah I am"

Tyler picks out the truth bowl and stares at the paper and peers at Jody before anyone can see and then stumbles it up.

"Do I have to do this one, I pick dare"

"Nope, sorry mate, rules are rules" Liam winked

"What does it say Tyler" Rick grabs it from his hand

"Rick don't, please!!" Tyler tries to get it off him

"If the person on your left is a girl, answer this question, would you ever kiss her if you had the chance?" Rick looked over at Jody who was on Tyler's left and laughed.

I can see it's really awkward between them to, Tyler was gone bright red and Jody is just playing with her pony tail looking down at the floor, to be honest I think Tyler handled it quite well.

"she is my best friend, I don't want to kiss her, I love her in many different ways" Tyler looks proud around the room but then notices Jody still looking at the floor so slumps down in his chair.

Liam then passes it over to Jody so picks dare, she is about to read the paper out but she just stops and her eyes begin to water I quickly step into action before anyone can realise .

"I think Mike said the BBQ is ready, come on let's go" Carmen shouts

Everyone gets up and runs outside Carmen runs behind them and then stops and faces Jody.

"Thanks" Jody whispers

"It's okay, what did the paper say"

"Go to your right and if you like them tell them, this could be your chance, go for it and if you don't just slap them" Carmen reads in her head and then gives it back to Jody

She looks up and Jody is making her way to the living room with a book in her hand Romeo and Juliet, she leaves her on her own and goes outside with the others to eat. Tyler looks round for Jody I whisper where she is in his ear he nods at me with 2 burgers in his hand and heads inside.

Tyler's prov
I see that Jody has fell asleep reading her book, It looks like she's been crying, as she has her eye makeup under her eyes, I pick her up and take her to her room so she doesn't get woken up.

"Sleep tight Jodes, your burger is there incase you get hungry" Tyler softly speaks

"Tyler wait" Jody opens her eyes and looks at him

I sit back on the bed and wipe her face with a wipe from her bedside table.

"I'm sorry, I'll come down in 5 mins, I'm just so tired" Jody speaks so quiet

"It's fine jodes, be as long as you need. But can I ask you 1 thing" Tyler puts the wipes down now

"Sure, of course you can"

"Why are you crying?" Tyler was now sat next to her looking at her book on her lap

She looks over at him and hugs him, Tyler hugs her back and strokes her hair

"Truth and dare got to me, I know that's pathetic but when you said you wouldn't kiss me and yeah you have the same answer as me but my dare was to kiss or slap you and I didn't want to slap you so I got really anxious and didn't know what to do and when use went for food I was over thinking and I guess I stared crying a lot" jody broke the hug and looked at Tyler

"You were in a pickle, you could of kissed me on the cheek or slapped me softly or hard like you normally do" Tyler smirked

"Tyler that's different it's play fighting" Jody starts to perk up and actually gets up

"Come on Tyler you have a party to attend, young boy" she hold out her hand, Tyler tries to grab it but she moves it quickly and softly taps in on the face

Tyler looks at her with his mouth wide open but you can see a smile blooming

"Catching flies are we" Jody shuts his mouth

Quickly Tyler picks Jody up and throws her over him and carries her out the room, they both can't stop laughing they go down stairs to enjoy the rest of the party.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I did this late at night.

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