Suprise Birthday Visitors...

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Jody&Tyler have just set off for there run, and Mike knows they are gone for a good hour so it gives them enough time to get all the surprise guests in for Tyler's Surprise birthday party since his birthday is tomorrow! Old house Members start coming into the dumping ground with presents and a huge smile on there face when they see mike at the front door

"Tee, Carmen im so happy to see you both" mike huges them both as they look around the house

"When we are wanted by you mike, we have to be here." Tee smiles

"Thanks girls, gazebo in the garden where people are, might be some upstairs, feel free to find them" mike laughed

Both girls smile as they make there way to the garden.

"Rick, Frank, Bailey, OMG is that you Liam" carman shouts as all the boys hugs the girls and give them a drink.

"I wish Jonny could make it, it could of been perfect then, for me anyway" Tee signs

"Long time no see then Sis" Jonny whispers in Tees ear as she turns around and hugs him.

"Omg your actually here!!" Tee smiles as they both sit down and catch up.

Carman's prov
I leave the garden and step inside to try and find some people she left behind a couple of months ago. I was about to go up stairs until the door opened and Electra walked in.

"Electra, i haven't seen you in ages. How you doing?"

"Carman your looking well, and I'm fine. I'm officially Mandy now, but all use can call me Electra for tonight"

"Who are you Mandy to then" Carman Winks at her

"My business staff and my fiancé" she holds her hand out and shows her ring.

"Omg it's lovely, you lucky lady"

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"Omg it's lovely, you lucky lady"

"Ahah thanks carms, where is everyone anyway"

"There people in the garden, but I'm just looking for people upstairs"

"Right okay thanks, I'll catch up with you later. Iv missed you, and your pink outfits aha"

"Iv missed you to Electra"

They both go there separate ways, carman heads to Jody's room and opens her door.

"Hi jodyyyy" Carman shouts

Shes disappointed because she wasn't there, But then mike walks past the door with lots of garden games and music

"Shes out with Tyler on a run, she will be here in 20 mins or so"

"Thanks mike, I should of known"

Mike walks down the stairs and Carman looks round Jody's room. It's changed, it looks like she's changed. Makeup, new girly clothes, shoes, nail varnish, pink pillows and purple blankets and Jewellery everywhere it's like Jody's nightmare of a room but it's hers. I'm so confused. I look in her wardrobe and all her old clothes are chucked on the floor and it is full of new clothes, clothes she would normally hate months ago when I left...

I quickly text Tee and tell her she needs to see this for herself since she wouldn't believe me over text, she runs in and just stares around the room in silence, I think she's more shocked then I am we just look at every detail of the room until ...

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I quickly text Tee and tell her she needs to see this for herself since she wouldn't believe me over text, she runs in and just stares around the room in silence, I think she's more shocked then I am we just look at every detail of the room until Kaz walks in.

"Are youse two trying to catch flys or something" Kaz laughs as she closes my mouth from an "O" shape

"Was this a dare, or is she like not a Tomboy anymore and likes girly things" Tee points at the floor of the wardrobe where all her old clothes are

"No this is real, she has only changed in the last 4 days, she just came home after the date on Saturday and on the Sunday went shopping and changed everything(well apart from her hairstyles)." Kaz tells them

"Wait did you just say DATE!!" Carman yells

"Yeah, her and this boy have something going on been side by side since Saturday afternoon" Kaz replies

"Who?, What?, where?, When?, Why?" Tee loudly asks

"Jaden! she and Jaden went on a Date at le Mensa, met at the pet shop, on Saturday, and she's changed because, well she wants to impress this boy" Kaz sighs

"What does Tyler think about this boy then" carman puts her head in her hands

"Oh god, don't ask. Jealous is a word that springs to mind" Kaz

"Aww poor Tyler, Loosing his best friend to a guy shes just met" Tee frowned

"She can't just change like that, for a boy shes barley known, Tee I think we need to have a little chat with her when she's back" carman winks

"We sure do" Tee nods

"Well good luck aha see you later" Kaz walks out the room and downstairs.

The 2 girls quickly head downstairs for the arrival of Tyler&Jody but they are taking longer than they normally do I wonder why...

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