Torn apart

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"JADEN!!! Your here she's gonna be so happy" Ryan gets up from the table and gives him a "bro" hug

Tyler's face fell, he knew Jody didn't like him like that and was going to end it with him but just didn't get a chance, he knew at his party she deleted all her texts off him and knocked her phone off to enjoy the night. He knew he can't turn up to the hospital with Jaden it will worry Jody even more.

"Jaden!! Sit down and come and talk to us, how are you?" Candi points at a seat near her this is when Tyler falls down under the counter so know one can see him while they are talk round the table still listening at him.

"Let's not talk about me, how is my beautiful Jody, is she okay? What happened to her? I knew something was wrong when she didn't text me all day and night" Jaden flicks his hair and wait for an answer Tyler rolls his eyes and mumbles "cringe" to himself

"Well it's a long story" Ryan looks around trying to think of what to say

At this point Tee, Carmen and Rick walk in and just stop in the doorway looking at Tyler he has his head in his hands

"Rick , Tee, Carmen. Look it's Jaden He likes Jody and she likes him" Floss shouts. At this point Jaden starts to blush and Tyler looks up his eyes widen and makes eye contact with Rick

Tee goes and sits down near Jaden while Rick and Carmen make some drinks

Rick taps Carmen shoulder and whispers in her ear while they wait for the kettle

"Pretend to drop your earring"


"Just do it, I need to speak to Tyler but it can't look obvious"

Carmen does some acting skills like normal to attract attention.

"OMG where is my earring!! I swear I had it in my ear I must be in this room" Carmen looks round Rick winks at her and starts looking aswell

"Carmen are you blind it's here, hang let me pick it up" he started to kneel down

He crawled over to Tyler

"Give me your phone I'll video what everyone says and you can get sorted for Jody okay hurry up you have 1 hour and a few mins and you still need to go to the shop"

Tyler nods and hand him his phone Rick quickly gets up and pretends to hand back the earring

"That things a pain to pick up"

Everyone started laughing at him and then carried on speaking until Rick shouts

"Omg what's that in the garden" he points out the door and everyone looks. Tyler got up and ran out the room and heads to the front door when he's stopped by mike

"Where you off then?" He folds his arms

"Just to the shop to get some of Jody's favourite sweets so I can take them to the hospital for her"

Mike smiles and nods towards the door Tyler runs out the door and runs all away to shop. He gets her all her favourite sweets. When he gets back he heads to his room where Rick is sitting there sweating and looks like he's really nervous.

"What's up bro? Are you okay?" He sits on his bed facing Rick

"I need to tell you something. But please don't get mad! Mikes gonna come up in 5 after you have heard the video" rick stuttered at a few words but Tyler quickly put his earphones in and listened to the recording..

Jaden:"so what happened how did she end up in hospital nearly fighting for her life"
Ryan: "Well Tyler went missing because I don't really know why so she went to find him and he was in there secret place in the woods and they were walking back and you have to jump a stream well Jody slipped and fell and hit her head on a rock and get knocked out and hasn't woke up yet"
Floss: It was Tyler's birthday as well I think he just wanted attention.
Rick: No that's not true I asked him something that got to him and he ran out of where we were
Jaden: So it was all Tyler's fault then
Jonny: I wouldn't go that far mate
Jaden: well whose was it then?

Everyone went silent for a while

Jaden: exactly!! Supposed to be her bestfriend. As if!! You wouldn't let someone you care about go through that!!

At this point May-li came in when, she asked where Tyler was?

Rick:Just shop get stuff for Jody
May-li: Just text him say we are leaving in 30 mins for me please
Rick: okay will do
Floss: You need to tell Jaden too
May-li: He can't come to the hospital, there only 2 visitors allowed and I thought Tyler and mike were going to go?
Candi: what!? So Jaden can't come
Floss: well shouldn't Jaden go because I don't think Jody will want to see Tyler since he caused all this
Jaden: Exactly!!! Please May-li I would do anything to see that girl
May-li: I'll ask mike, but you will have to ask Tyler and see if it's okay
Floss: Like Tyler's going to let him go and not him. We should have a vote now hands up for Jaden okay so that's 6 what about Tyler 4 and unlucky if you didn't vote, so that's settles them Jadens going!
Jaden:thanks Floss, your the best!

That when the phone cut off, Tyler had tears running down his face, he made no noise and had no expression. He just looked at the wall in silence. This is when Mike came in....

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