Happy birthday Tyler

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Jody's prov
Tyler and I were sitting on a bench in the park, I knew it was Tyler's birthday tommorow so I had to surprise him, Weeks ago I told mike to arrange him an amazing party full of his old dumping ground friends. He didn't have a clue.

"It's such a special day tommrow. You know" Tyler smiles

"Why? What's the special day?" Jody looks up from her phone

"Come on you know what it is"

"It can't be that special, if I don't know Tyler"

"Do you actually not know?" Tyler flows

Jody looks at the time on her phone and sees it's 7:15 she has 15 minutes to get him home.

"Come on Tyler, we are gonna be late for dinner if we don't start running"

"Okay, I'll just put our ice cream tubs on the bin"

"Thank you:)"

As soon as they reached the house, Jody stopped outside and made sure Tyler wasn't looking and she quickly ran inside and into the garden.

Tyler's prov
I couldn't see Jody anywhere, she must of went inside. I couldn't see anyone, or hear anyone at all. I decide to go to the kitchen to grap a drink until Jody runs in.

"Tyler help me, please" Jody cries

"With what? Are you okay" Tyler looks her up and down

"I can't reach the football" Jody laughs

"You had me worried, you midget" Tyler giggled

"Come on, i really want to play"

"You sure you don't want me to paint your nails, pink and purple or do a a fashion shoot?"

"Shut up and come on"

Jody grabbed my arm, it brought back all my feeling for her again but I can't show them. I don't want to ruin anything. When we went to the garden there was a blow up slide, loads of food and drinks and OMG there is a hot tub NO WAY!! I stare at Jody and she smiles.

"You remembered" Tyler smiles

"Of course I did" Jody hugs him

"SURPRISEEEEEEE " everyone jumped from behind the slide

I was so shocked. All of my old friends are here I can't believe it.

"Mo, Liam, Jonny, RICKKK, Iv missed you guys" Tyler hugs them all

"Carmen, Tee how are you?" Tyler says

"Happy birthday" they both say in sync

"Thanks girls" Tyler laughed while running up to the slide

After Iv seen and caught up with everyone I see Tee and Carmen are talking to Jody and they are going inside so I decide to follow them because Jody looks uncomfortable. They walk upstairs and go to Jody's room I stand by the door and start to listen in.

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