Jody's secret

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Tee, Carmen and Jody are sat in Jody's bedroom while Tyler is listening in outside the door.

"Well Jody Jackson you have changed" Carmen rolls her eyes

"I haven't" Jody argues

"Your clothes are pink, your TOMBOY room has now got purple pillows and fairy lights in, your nails are pink, your personality has changed just for a boy you met on Saturday? Am I right?" Carmen shouts

"Well no, he just like girly girls, and I'm not one" Jody chocked

"Jody just because he likes girly girls doesn't mean you have to change the way you are inside, where is that I don't care about anything attitude gone?" Carman argues

Jody puts her head down, she doesn't speak

"Jody im yelling because deep down i know you love playing football with the lads, you hate wearing all these clothes, your struggling with the nails and makeup, you can't stand the fake attitude your putting out for a boy who you have known 5 days and I know for a fact you miss Tyler and Tyler misses you being best friends" Carmen comforts her now

Jody starts to cry she lifts up her head and looks round her room, she knows she doesn't like any of this stuff and she knows she does miss Tyler.

"I did it to make Tyler jealous" Jody cries

Tee lifts up her head shocked, and Tyler's mouth widens from outside the room

"What do you mean?, explain it" Carmen questioned

"I did this because, because I like Tyler a lot, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship and decided to fall for a boy I thought was good at football since I watched him in the park many times, everyone thought me and Tyler were a thing and i know he hated it so I pretended to like a boy so people will stop moaning. The clothes and that just came with Candi and the Twins I thought it wouldn't look as obvious if I just played along. I didn't mean it to go this far I promise" Jody looked up at Carmen

Tyler is shocked, Jody likes him, but he shouldn't know what is he going to do? Tyler keeps listening..

"Thats my girl" Carmen smiled

"What" Jody says confused

"You said something that makes sense, I knew you liked him since the whole memory box thing" Carmen laughed

"Shut up" Jody wiped he eyes

Tee looks around the room and sees the size of the clothes

"Carmen these clothes are our size , you do know that?"

Carmen quickly gets up and puts on a bag and pretends she's on a cat work

"Take everything you want which is girly" Jody points at a few items around her room

"Thank you Jody" both girls smile

"So what you doing about the pet shop boy then" Tee winked

"Jaden and I think I'll end things with him tommrow" Jody shrugged

"Do it in front of Tyler!!" Carmen dances


"So they know things are definitely off" Carmen answers

"I can't wait to wear my old clothes Iv missed them so much" Jody hugs her football tops and shorts

"Wait!! For the party we are going to dress you up" Tee claps

"Okay fine, but this is the last time ever, okay?" Jody beamed

"We got it" Carmen clicks her fingers for Tee to pass her a makeup brush

Jody's last full girly makeup was complete, they were finished in 30 minutes which wasn't bad since carman does this as her job everyday, by this time Tyler was gone and went back down stairs with his friends.

"Jody wear your hair down, Just this once please" Carmen anticipated

"Nope these lovely curls are going in a bobble" Jody laughed at there faces

"Nope these lovely curls are going in a bobble" Jody laughed at there faces

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Wow Jody , you look amazing" Tee stroked her hair

"Thanks Tee" as Tee went out the door to go and find Jonny

"Jody I must say you have surprised me, Tyler is going to be a lucky boy when use finally find each other's secrets out"

"I'm not very good at keeping secrets" Jody sighed

"Yeah but your good at hiding your feelings for 7 years" Carmen hugged her

"Come on then let's go back and enjoy Tyler's party" Jody linked her arm to Carmen's

"Oh yes and let's see Tyler's reaction to this look" Carmen winked

They both walked arm in arm down the stairs in the garden laughing at each other and dancing to the music.

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