Nightmare at the hospital

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Mike's car turned in at the hospital and Jaden didn't even notice as he was just on his phone. Mike looked at him glued to his phone talking to someone on text but he didn't see who.

"We are here Jaden"

He looked up, seen that they were hear and put his head back down on this phone.

"Thanks, one second this is important"

Mike was stunned could the message not wait till after he seen his 'love of his life' according to him anyway

"I'm getting out now so you are to"

Jaden looked up at mike and seen the annoyance in his face so he quickly got put the car and put this bag on his back, making his way to the hospital. They reached the front desk but then spotted the nurse that he seen earlier.

"Hello, Katy was it" Mike shook her hand

"Mike and Ty---" she stopped herself as she looked from mike to Jaden. He butted in

"It's Jaden, someone who actually cares about her"

The nurse ignored the selfish comment and kept talking to mike

"Jody is awake and doing really well she has been confused and asked loads of questions, so now I think she just wants people she knows with her"

Mike smiled "that's great news, you have been so help--"

He was then rudely cut off by Jaden

"What room she in then"


Jaden walked off through the double doors and went to find the room. Mike then apologised many times before the nurse started talking

"Don't worry about it, Jody only wanted you and Tyler anyway she didn't want to see that boy. Is he one of your lot?"

"Certainly not" mike Expressed

"Thought not, I'm not sure I like him, not like Tyler anyway" she laughed

Mike joined in and then the doctor wanted the nurse so mike made his way to room 64.

Jaden found the room and walked in Jody was awake. She looked so worried. She had 2 bandages wrapped round her head, her wrist was in a support guard and she had a blue cast on her left leg.

"Jody!! Omg are you okay? Iv been so worried about you!!"

Jody looked up and seen Jaden burst through the door, she was confused why is Jaden here?

"Where's Tyler" that was the only thing that came out of her mouth

Jaden frowned and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Tyler was the one that did this to you, he ran off and you went after him and when you were walking back you slipped and then blacked out babe, don't worry Tyler was gonna come but then I said you would rather see me than that freak anyway and when Tyler found out he accepted now he knows you like hate him"

"Don't babe me please, that's not okay so how is that Tyler's fault?"

"Sorry, well if he didn't run off then you wouldn't of been like this"

"This was only my fault, I was the one that slipped and I didn't have to go find him. He didn't tell me to I wanted to"

"But darling aren't you glad to see me"

"I just want Tyler" tears came down Jody's cheeks this is when mike walked in while Jaden was shouting back at Jody

"Fgs Jody why you crying I'm here the person you actually like, you know Tyler did this to you, you could of died because of him and he knows it so that's why he's sat in his room crying because he's lost you, Jody why you so stupid crying over that freak off a boy I'm the real person who likes you not some wannabe"

This is when mike stepped in and sternly looked at Jaden

"Wait outside young man I'm gonna ring your mother to take you home, not such a good idea is it saying that about someone" mike stares at him

Jaden walks out and sits by the room, mike makes his way over to Jody who looks worried and confused.

"I want Ty mike"  she whispered

"You know he's been with me every time since you have been in here" mike told her

"I know, Katy my nurse. She told me all about him not wanting to go home and him barley sleeping a wink, she said he was a good friend and I should keep hold off him" she smiled

"Katy is right,I'll go and get Tyler and take Jaden away. Is thy alright? Kid"

"Yeah, I feel better seeing a face I know but I really want Tyler"

"I'll be back shortly"


Mike spoke to Jaden, he came in quickly to Jody but she just looked and ignored him he stared speaking so she rolled her eyes

"Jody this is for you, I hope you like the stuff I brought you"

She opened the bag, there was a jumper dress with floss's orange converse and lots of cheap rings and then a cup of jelly beans and love hearts. This is when mike laughed

"What's funny"  Jaden turned round

"I don't like jelly beans and not to keen on love hearts and I don't wear dresses anymore the converse won't fit me and they rings well I know there Candi-roses, but thanks"

Jaden stormed out and then made his way to the car mike followed after waving bye to Jody. After the door shut she sat there crying she didn't release that Tyler thought it was his fault and he thought she hated him. Jody was scared, worried, hurt and just wanted to see Ty.

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