I'm Sorry.

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Jody's Prov
Sasha: Jody, wanna come and watch a film on TV?
Jody: Yeah sure, just give me 5 minutes.

Sasha nods and goes to set up downstairs. I quickly rush into Tyler's room and it looks like he's writing a letter, I pretend I didn't realise. Tyler can barley look at me, I feel so worried as we sit there in silence.

Tyler's Prov
I can barley look at her, I feel so ashamed, I finally build up the courage to speak to her, my hand are shaking.

Tyler:I'm really sorry Jodes!
Jody:What for?
Tyler:Acting weird, when Ryan said that thing
Jody:It's okay, I felt weird about it to!
Tyler:Really?, good job we are so close that stupid things like this won't break us apart.

She messes up my hair and then give me a hug I'm so happy everything turned out okay!

Jody:(smiling) you coming to watch a film with me and Sasha?
Tyler:Okay, I'll be down in a second :)

She walks out my room, i quickly push all my letters under my bed and start to get ready from my P.Js to some clothes until I hear Jody coming towards my room.

Jody:(outside my room, shouting down to Sasha) Hang on, I'll go and ask Tyler if that's okay.
Tyler:Jody DON'T come in!!

She didn't hear me, it was too late

Jody:Ty, do you want to watch the coujri....

She finally looks up at me and see's that I'm in the middle off getting changed, I quickly put my shirt on in hurry.

Jody:Omg, im so sorry, Ty!!

She is about to walk out my room, I quickly grab her hand and look at her but she looks away!

Tyler:Jodes, it's okay, let's just forget this ever happened.
Jody:I'm still sorry!
Tyler:Well I knew you have always wanted to see my muscles.
Jody:Haha what muscles!

We both look at each other and smile,we walk downstairs together ready to watch the film.

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