The Cafè

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Jody's prov
I quickly run to the table where Kaz is sat, she feels like like something is wrong. My face is red and I can't stop shaking.

Kaz:Jody, are you okay?
Jody:I feel sick and can't stop shaking.
Kaz:(laughing) your love sick, I seen the way you looked that him..

I just rolled my eyes and was about to speak until I see the 3 boys coming over to us. Tyler reaches us first I move up so he can sit next to me. Kaz moves to our side so the other 2 boys can sit together. At first we all sit there in silence, looking for something to get of the menu. I notice Jaden staring at me, I begin to blush and hold my menu up to my face.

Tyler:So what does everyone want? I'll goo on order.
Ryan:Chocolate milkshake mate
Kaz:can I just have a Fanta please
Tyler:Jaden?? What about you?
Jaden:I'll just have some water please
Tyler:Right, I'll be back soon
Jaden:(confused) wait, what about Jody, you didn't ask her?
Tyler:(laughing) Nah, she doesn't deserve a drink.
Jody:Don't listen to him, he just knows what to get me.
Tyler:Strawberry smoothie!
Jody:You know it!! Thank you.

Ryan's prov
Tyler comes back with the drinks and we all just start talking but then I start noticing Jaden can't stop staring at Jody, and I can see it in Tyler's eyes he hates it. No other boy ever has grabbed Jody's attention like this. Then out of know where Jaden asks a question...

Jaden:So Jody, im just gonna say this straight
Jody:Sorry what?
Jaden:I want you to come to dinner with me later. Only if you want to though.
Jody:(put her head down) oh I'm sorry but I'm playing a football match later with these two.
Ryan:Go for the meal, im sure we will be okay
Jody:Are you sure you don't mind?
Tyler:Ryan! Are you being series right now! She's better then both of us out together, we need her.

I glare at Tyler, I think he's jealous but I'm not sure. I see Tyler open his mouth, what's he got to say now to ruin Jody's chances.

Tyler:On second thoughts, we could get Bailly to play he finishes collage at 4.
Kaz:Hang on, I'll text him now.

Tyler didn't enjoy saying that, he looks at me and then Jody; shes now lifted her head up from the table with the biggest smile on her face.

Jody:I can meet you at 6 if that's okay?
Jaden:That's perfect, sorry but what's your number and snapchat. :)

After she gave him her social medias, we all walk back to the pet shop where we are created by everyone. Jaden waves us off as we make our way back to the house. As we step in the door Jody rushes upstairs and heads for a bath.

Toni:Jody is having a bath?
Billie:Is she okay?
Ryan:Shes going on a date with Jaden.
Candi-rose:Ooooo Jody Jackson is finally acting like a girl, OMG I love it!!!
Floss:Candi let's go and help her get ready.

The 2 girls hurry up the stairs waiting outside Jody's room. I watch Tyler go out in the garden and he doesn't look impressed. I follow him until Kaz taps me on the back.

Kaz:I'll deal with him, you go and meet Bailey near the bus stop, he's coming to play football with her

I nod and start walking to meet Bailey.

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