The date <3

880 12 2

Jody's prov
I was walking to the restaurant to meet Jaden. I was so nervous, my hand are shaking.

"Jody heyy" I turn around and see Jaden, he is giving me a gift bag.

"This is for you, but don't open it until you get home"

"Thank you" Jody smiles

We sit down and we just chat all meal which is so funny, since I find out he plays football for Willow FC and Tyler and I run near them while they train and he's never seen us. He works with his mam every Saturday at the pet shop and he never here's from his dad since he left him when he was 5 to go to Spain with his new girlfriend. It's slightly awkward when we ran out of things to talk about but I could look at him all night.

"We better get home, We have been here for over 3 hours" Jody frowned

"I could sit here all night with you Jody"

"Same here, I wish we could do it again sometime" Jody blushed

"We can!! I'll text you and we can sort something out babe"

As he says this he hugs me and kisses my cheek, I watch then watch him walk off into the darkness, I stand there staring into nothing until I get my phone out and ring Tyler.

"Heyy, I'm finished. Shall I start walking to meet you"

"No no, wait there I'll be there soon I promise"

"Okay thank you"

I wait near the road  but as soon as I get off the phone it starts to rain I  quickly rush to the restaurant entrance and play a game on my phone i only wait about 5 minutes and see a Tyler dripping wet come in.

"Omg Ty i am so sorry. Shall we get the bus, or text mike for the way back"

"Jody mike can't leave the house and the next. bus is in 45 minutes. It's fine we can just run"

"Wait I can't run" Jody looks down at her heels

"Good job i brought these then" Tyler pulls some trainers for his jacket

"Good job i brought these then" Tyler pulls some trainers for his jacket

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"My trainers" Jody takes the heels off and puts her trainers on.

"Right I'm ready to run" Jody ties her heels together.

"Have you not got a jacket" Tyler looks concerned

"Well it was sunny when I left so I didn't bring one"

"Here take mine, you will be freezing"

"But What about you?" Jody questioned

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"But What about you?" Jody questioned

"I have my hoodie"

"Thanks Ty"

We count down grabs my hand, we run as fast as we can to the house it took us about 8 minutes. We get to the house and run to the towel room we both get a towel and put it round us and make our way to the kitchen.

Tyler's prov
We go to the kitchen and sit at the table, know one was there because it was movie night so everyone was in the living room. She tells me everything what happened I'm trying not to listen but she sounds so happy I couldn't ruin her mood.

"Then after the meal we just went home" Jody finished her story

"He just left you by yourself in the dark and didn't offer to walk you home?" Tyler says quick angry

"I think he needed to get home to his mum thats why" Jody frowned

"What a rude idiot, i should have been the boy on that date with you" Tyler mumbled

"What" Jody looks at Tyler

"Oh I just said well at least you had fun" Tyler snaps out of his mood

"yeah I did, I loved it" Jody smiled

Jody's phone buzzed and I could tell it was Jaden she had the biggest smile on her face I make us a hot chocolate when Candi, floss and the twins walk in.

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