Chapter One

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I sped down the empty hallway, passing several teachers who shouted at me, telling me to walk. I ignored them. I was late for my Performing Arts class - which, to be fair, wasn't unusual for me. However, it was the first day back after the Christmas holidays, and I didn't want to be late on the first day. I slowed down, stopping in front of the closed door of the Drama Studio. There were already sign-up sheets on the door for the next performance. Not that I cared. I didn't like Performing Arts anyway, so why would I sign up to do extra? After school?

I opened the door, and entered the classroom. Twenty or so students turned around to look at me, and Miss O'Toole shot me an evil glare.

"Sorry..." I mumbled, as I took a seat at the back of the classroom.

"As I was saying..." The teacher started talking to the class, introducing the new topic and stuff. I didn't listen. I wasn't even sure why I took this subject in the first place. I hated performing.

Why am I here? I asked myself.

You're here because you were kicked out of food tech, and had to choose another subject, I reminded myself.

Yeah, but why Performing Arts of all things? I questioned. Why not Woodwork or Spanish or something?

Because Performing Arts was the only subject available.


"Nico!" I snapped back into reality as someone shouted my name. "Nico! Are you even listening?" I looked up to see the class staring at me again. The teacher looked annoyed.

"Huh?" Why is everyone staring at me? "I'm sorry, what?"

There were a few snickers.

Miss O'Toole rolled her eyes. "Nico, you really need to pay more attention, or you'll end up being kicked out of this class as well." I sunk into my chair, slightly embarrassed. "Can someone please explain to Nico what we are doing, as he clearly doesn't have a clue what's going on."

A hand from the front row shot up - I think her name was Drew - and Miss called on her. She turned back to face me, smirking. "We are writing our own scripts this term, in pairs, based on a scenario given to you by Miss O'Toole."

Writing our own scripts? Oh, God, no. I had no... In pairs? That's even worse! I had no friends in the class (or in general, to be perfectly honest), nor any mutual alliances, as I liked to put it. The only person I really knew was Jason Grace, and I only knew him because of his sister. I wasn't friends with him or anything. Besides, he had other friends who he would probably work with.

"Now, before you all move and get into pairs with your friends," the teacher began, "you aren't going to be choosing your partner this time." There was a groan from the rest of the class, and a sigh of relief from me after I realised I wouldn't have to find someone willing to work with me. Then I realised I'd have to work with a complete stranger, unless I was lucky and got put with Jason, which, let's face it, was never going to happen. "I will be choosing the pairs at random."

She started to draw lollipop sticks out of a cup, each of which had a name scribbled down the side. I anxiously awaited my name to be called out, hoping and praying that I was put with someone who I at least recognised. As students names were called out, they moved to the sides of the class to stand with their partner.

"Nico di Angelo," the teacher finally called. I sat up in my chair. "With Will Solace."

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