Chapter Thirty

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Will's Dad offered to drive us to school, his reason being that that way there was less chance of my Dad seeing me and telling me to come home, which, at that moment, I obviously didn't wanted to. I hadn't gone to school via car in God knows how long, so it was a nice change to not walk. About halfway through the journey, my Dad rung up - I declined. I didn't feel like talking to him just yet.

To be honest, I did feel kind of bad. Dad had no idea where I was, or what I was doing, or if I was even safe. He must have been worried sick. However, I couldn't bring myself to call him.

"Uh, I know you probably don't want to, but it would be a good idea to call your Dad and tell him you're staying at a friends for a while," Will's Dad advised. "He's probably worrying about you."

I nodded. "Yeah... I'll call him later," I lied. I knew I would end up calling him at some point, but not for a couple more days. I needed time away, to think things over.

We soon arrived at school, early for once. We still had, like, half an hour before school actually began. Will and I went to sit on the branches of Thalia's tree.

"Hey," Will said, to get my attention. "Is that Jason over there?" He pointed to a boy in the distance, who was being pinned against the wall by a girl. I squinted to see if it was Will thought it was.

"Yeah," I decided. "It is."

Will jumped off the tree, and began to make his way over there. I called out to him, but he wouldn't turn around. Sighing, I jumped down as well, and ran to catch up with him. I figured he was going to see what was happening with Jason. As we got closer, I realised that the other girl was Drew. God, Drew. I hated that girl. Even more so since the whole 'ew-you-kissed-Will-Solace' incident. Why did she have Jason pinned against the wall?

"L-listen, I already have a date, ok?!" Jason shouted, desperately. "Piper asked me days ago!"

Drew laughed. "You don't wanna go with that freak. Come with me, instead. You know that I am ten times more beautiful than it."

"Drew, listen, Piper means the world to me. I have to go with my real girlfriend who loves me, not a stupid faker who doesn't even know the meaning of love."

Drew moved closer. "Oh come on, Jace! You really want to be a loser for the rest of your life?" She stroked his cheek gently, and began to lean in for a kiss.

Will clenched his fists, and headed closer to Jason. I grabbed his shoulder, and warned, "Be careful, Will. You don't want to get involved in this." He brushed off my hand, and continued to stomp his way over.

"Drew, leave Jason alone!" he shouted, basically tearing Drew away from the wall. "He already has a date. It's clear that he doesn't want to be around you! Why do you have to ruin everybody's life?!"

Drew's eyes were filled with fear. This wasn't the first time that Will stood up to her, but I knew that it wasn't very often that people did stand up to her. In fact, I was pretty sure Will was the only person who had ever stood up to her. Everyone was too afraid to do anything about her reign of terror. But I knew that reign would soon come to an end.

Drew looked Will dead in the eye. "Aw, are you in love with Jason as well?" she jeered. "You can't have all the boys, you fag. Wait, no. You can't even have one. No one will ever love you, so you may as well just watch me and Jason fall in love. That way, you can imagine yourself in Jason's situation, and maybe get some joy out of life... Actually, you can imagine yourself in my position, since you seem so head-over-heels in love with Jace over here."

"Don't call me Jace," Jason mumbled.

"Shut up!" she snapped. Drew moved closer to Will. "Let this be a lesson, William. Don't get involved in things that don't include you. Otherwise, you'll be an outcast, just like Nico over there. No one will ever love you."

I took a deep breath, and approached Will, linking our arms together. "Actually, I'm in love with Will," I stated, calmly. "We got together last night. And if you have a problem with that, you can go and f**k yourself."

Drew growled. "You dirty homosexuals, messing with my game. The whole school will know your secret now, trust me!"

I shrugged. "They'll find out sooner or later. It isn't really that much of a secret anymore."

Drew's mouth was wide open. She tried to reply, but no words came out of her mouth. She stomped away, since there was no other options than to get out of the bad situation.

After a moment, Jason came up to us. "Thank for that, guys," he praised. "I... I don't know what I would've done if you didn't come."

Will smiled. "No problem. Drew deserved it anyways."

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