Chapter Fourty One

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"You sure I look ok?"

"For the last time, Jason, you look perfect."

I was sitting on Jason's bed as he stood in front of a mirror, fixing up his bowtie for the millionth time. I was wearing a black leather jacket over a plain red t-shirt, with black skinny jeans and boots. It wasn't really the best thing to wear to a school dance, but if it meant I wouldn't draw to much attention I was down for it. I just hoped that Will liked it.

The doorbell rang.

"Jason, your friends are here!" his dad shouted.

We quickly ran downstairs and went outside, to be greeted by our dates. Piper was wearing a pure white dress that went down to her knees, white flats, and a light blue jacket. A blue heart necklace laid on her chest. She rushed towards Jason, and enclosed him in a hug, her left foot lifting off the ground and her head resting on his shoulder.

Once I saw my boyfriend, I forgot how to breath for a second. He looked amazing. His glittery red suit sparkled in the moonlight. And, God, did he look handsome as ever. My mouth was wide open in shock.

Will smiled warmly at me. "You look great," he complimented. "Amazing, actually. I... I love you so much."

I laughed nervously. "I don't look that good. You, on the other hand..." I was almost speechless. "Sei il ragazzo più bello che abbia mai visto." He looked at me, confused, and I realised I had slipped into Italian. "I-I mean, you're the most handsome guy I've ever met. I love you."

"I... I didn't know you could speak... whatever language that was..."

"Italian. I'm, um, I'm from Italy," I explained.

"That just makes me love you even more."

We took each other's hand, and began to walk to the school, with Piper and Jason a couple metres in front of us. I was slightly nervous about the dance. Ok, I was extremely nervous. I had never been to a school dance before, so I had no idea what to expect. However, I was with Will, so I knew it would be amazing.

We arrived at the school ten minutes before the dance begun. There was already a huge queue outside with couples waiting to get in. There was an awful lot of people. Suddenly, I was feeling incredibly anxious about the whole ordeal. Which wasn't really a surprise.

Will squeezed my hand as we joined the queue, bringing my anxiety down by a lot. As we went into the hall, we got a couple of stares from people, probably because we were two guys holding hands going to a school dance. It kinda confused me that people were still shocked by this - I would have thought it was common knowledge by now that Will and I were together.

We finally entered the hall, and the party began.

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