Chapter Five

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The bell rang, and I stood up to get ready to leave. This time, before I could run away, Will grabbed my arm, forcing me to stay behind. I let out a sigh, and turned back around to face him.

"I was wondering if you wanted to join us for lunch," he offered. "I was going to ask yesterday, but... I didn't see you again after class." He paused. "I mean, you don't have to," he added, "if you have someone else to sit with, that's fine as well."

I hesitated. To be honest, I like sitting alone. It meant I couldn't embarrass myself, and it gave me time to think. However, I couldn't say no to Will. "Uh, sure, ok," I accepted.

His face lit up as I said that, and he gave me a huge smile. "Don't run off this time, ok?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I won't."

I was about to leave with them, when the teacher cleared her throat. Everyone else had already left, so I couldn't hide in the crowd. There goes my plan of silently escaping to avoid talking to Miss...

I looked at Will. "I'll, uh, be out in a minute," I promised. "You can go, I'll catch you up."

He seemed reluctant, but nodded and left. I turned back and walked towards the front of the classroom, where Miss O'Toole was sitting at her desk. I stood in silence for a moment, waiting for her to talk. I knew this wasn't going to be good. I knew that I was in trouble for being so late all the time.

"Nico," she began, "you've been late for every single lesson you've had with me since you joined this class."

I nodded. "Yes, Miss." I was already aware of this fact. Everyone was.

"Why?" she asked. "What's your excuse for all this?"

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't just tell her that I absolutely hated Performing Arts, or she'll question why I joined in the first place, and then I would have to explain myself even more. And I definitely couldn't tell her the real reason, that I was afraid people would find yet another reason to make fun of me if they found out I, of all people, took Performing Arts. Struggling to find an acceptable answers, I just stood in silence, which I assumed the teacher interpreted as, "I have no excuse."

Miss O'Toole sighed. "I was expecting that. Listen, I'm starting to believe you don't even like Performing Arts. Is that true?" I didn't reply. "If you really don't like this class, why did you take it in the first place?"

"I, uh, I d-didn't have much of a ch-choice, Miss," I stuttered. "Th-this was the only class available."

She frowned, and asked me, "Why did you even drop your previous subject in the first place, then?"

I looked down, mumbling, "I didn't really have much of a choice on that, either..."

"I know your teacher didn't want you in his class, but you could have very easily joined the same class under a different teacher," she pointed out.

I shook my head. "They wouldn't take me either. This was my only option."

"Well, that doesn't matter now. If you are late for my class again, I'm afraid you'll be out of this class as well."

My eyes widened, and I looked up at her. "B-but, Miss! I can't leave this class! Wh-what about the project? What would h-happen if, if I... Who would Will work with?" I was surprised at myself for saying this, since leaving this class seemed like the best idea possible. If I hated performing so much, and the teacher was threatening to kick me out of Performing Arts, surely I would take every opportunity to make her do this. But... I didn't want to leave Will. I wasn't sure why. It wasn't like I had feelings for him, or anything... Did I? No, I didn't. I would just feel too guilty if I left him alone.

"Woah, calm down!" Miss shouted. "If you don't want to be kicked out, then arrive early, and... Just try to participate more, ok?" I nodded. "Ok, you are free to go."

I walked out the class, finding Will waiting outside for me. " waited," I stated, surprised.

Will nodded. "Yeah. I figured you'd probably not even come to look for us if I let you find our table on your own."

...he wasn't wrong.

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