Chapter Fourteen

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My phone buzzed, just as I was entering the forest behind the school. I took it out my pocket, and smiled at the message I had been sent. It wasn't anything special, just a simple Hi, but the fact it was from Will made me happy. It had only been five minutes since I saw him last (we both had biology last period, a lesson we shared and had decided to sit together), but here he was, wishing to talk to me again.

I replied with a hey, and continued walking. Jazz was playing through my earphones. It wasn't long before I received another text from Will.

How r u?

fine, you?

We talked for a while. Even once I had arrived at home, I was still chatting with him. We wasn't necessarily talking about anything in particular, just small talk and random statements. He was the first person I had ever done that with. And it was nice.

However, it couldn't last forever. Eventually, I was called downstairs, and had to leave. I texted Will, gtg ttyl, got up, chucked my phone on my bed, and went downstairs. Dad and Hazel were waiting in the dining room, with three plates of food on the table. Of course. Dinner. I had been so caught up in my conversation with Will, I had almost forgotten that was actually a thing that happened. And now that Hazel was here... I supposed a 'formal' dinner would happen more often.

I picked up my plate, and turned to leave the room, without a word.

"Nico, stay," my dad said before I could leave.

I turned back around and asked, "Why? I never eat down here."

Dad nodded. "I know, son, but I thought it would be nice if you ate with us for a change. This is Hazel's first proper meal here."

I sighed, but reluctantly sat down. Not for Dad, but for Hazel. There was a deafening silence. No one knew what to say; I didn't speak much anyway, Dad never really spoke to me, and Hazel was new and probably quite nervous. Eventually, Dad spoke up.

"So, Nico, would you mind showing Hazel around town tomorrow?" he asked. "She told me she would like to have a look around, but I'm busy with work. I doubt you have anything important to do, anyway. It would be a great opportunity to... bond with her."

Crap, I can't. I have the swimming thing. But Dad doesn't know that. I haven't even asked yet. I can't miss that. But I can't say no to Dad. Especially since it's Hazel. Nonononononon-

"I-it's ok if you can't," Hazel said, barely above a whisper. "I understand if you... don't want to, or something. It's fine, really."

I shook my head. "No, I do want to. I just... I have a thing tomorrow."

"A thing?" Dad repeated, clearly sceptical.

"Yeah, a thing." He stared at me for a few seconds, before I realised he wanted me to elaborate. "I-I mean, one of my friends is taking part in a swimming competition, and he wanted me to go watch. To support him and stuff."

" have friends?"

"Dad! I'm being serious!"

Dad chuckled. "Ok, that's fine. I suppose you can't take her into town, but..." He drifted off.

"But?" Hazel echoed.

"Why don't you take Hazel along to that instead?" he suggested. "It would give her a chance to meet some people from school, which she will be starting on Monday."

I nodded. "Ok then." I just hoped the others wouldn't mind.

We finished eating dinner, before I went back upstairs to tell Will about Hazel. However, I never got around to texting him, because what I saw on my phone shocked me too much. I had another text from Will. Two actually. The first one wasn't too strange, just a simple, ok, ttyl. But the second one made my heart flutter. It read:

Love you <3

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