Chapter Thirteen

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"Are you sure we should be here?"

"It's fine, stop worrying so much!"

"But... No one else seems to be around... And it looks really dangerous, and..."

"Just trust me, ok? I know what I'm doing."

"I just feel like... Something is off..."

"Hey, who is the tour guide here?"

"...You are."

"Then trust me on this, we'll be fine."


The bell rang. Will took the script from the table, and handed it to me, telling me that he had a spare script at home he could use, and that I should begin to learn it. We then walked out the classroom side by side, and headed down to the cafeteria. We sat on the same table as the last time, with the same people. My new friends.

"So, Nico, you coming down to the swimming comp tomorrow?" Percy asked me.

Of course. I had completely forgotten about that. I was planning on asking Dad earlier this morning, but... With Hazel showing up, my plan kind of faded away from my to-do list. Would Dad mind if I went? I suppose not... He was always trying to get me out of the house anyway. Besides, it wasn't as if we were doing anything at the weekend.

"Yeah, I'll come," I decided, hoping my Dad would actually let me.

Will grinned. "Yay!" he exclaimed, obviously excited by this. "Hey, can I have your number? Just in case you need any details or anything, such as where to find us and stuff."

"Sure," I agreed without hesitation. I took out my phone, as did Will, and we exchanged numbers. Jason stared at us with a glint in his eye, acting like some sort of crazed fangirl. I shot him a glare, and he immediately stopped.

Leo came rushing up to the table, his face bright red.

"Uh, are you ok, Leo?" Annabeth asked.

Leo took a deep breath. "I just asked out Calypso."

Jason smiled. "And...? What did she say?"

"She, uh, she... She said she would think about it, or something like that..." He sat down. "I'm, uh, I'm not really sure what happened. I just kinda blurted it out, then ran away. I think I heard her shout that she would get back to me, but that might have just been me imagining things."

"Have you even talked to her before?" I asked, semi-curious about this change of events. "Does she even know who you are?"

Leo nodded. "Yeah, we sit next to each other in a couple of classes. I'm pretty much always shamelessly flirting with her, but I didn't think she had picked up on it. It seemed like I was just starting to annoy her with it, but now I'm not so sure... What if she hates me? What if she regrets me? What if she never speaks to me again? What if-"

"Calm down, Leo, I'm sure it will be fine," Will reassured him.

Leo took a couple of breaths, and tried to calm down. After a minute or so of silence, Calypso approached him from behind, and planted a kiss on his cheek. He turned even redder than before, if that was even possible.

"Starbucks across the road from the school, 5pm tomorrow, meet me there." Calypso winked at Leo, and walked away.

Leo stared at her, his eyes wide open. "I-It's a date..."

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