Chapter Four

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A/N: In case you didn't see, I went back and edited Chapter Two to change the scenario. I was thinking about it, and came up with a better scenario that the last one, which just sucked. I decided making them do a performance about a summer camp would make more sense based on the fact in the original books they actually go to a summer camp together. ANYWAYS, onto the chapter!

The next day, I was late for Performing Arts. Again. For a moment, I actually felt kind of bad for Will, because he would have to wait for me to arrive to begin. Then I realised the class probably hadn't begun yet, so my guilt faded away. As I walked down the hall, a couple of teachers yelled at me to hurry up, instead of telling me to slow down like yesterday. Geez, make up your mind!

I entered a noisy classroom, and Miss O'Toole walked up to me.

"You're late," she stated. "Again."

"I am aware," I agreed. I stepped forward into the class. Everyone had already started working. Partners were conversing about their scenario, and what path they were going to take with their piece. I scanned the class, and my eyes rested on Will. He had pulled up an extra chair to a single desk, so that we both could sit down. He had some coloured pens and lined paper in front of him. Not surprisingly, he had was much more prepared than I was.

The teacher held her hand out in front of me. "Talk to me after class."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, whatever." I walked up to Will and sat down on the chair opposite him.

"Finally showed up, then?" I frowned, and looked at the clock. 11:15am. I was fifteen minutes late... That would explain why everyone had already got started. Suddenly, the guilt I was feeling on the way to class came back.

"Oh my god," I whispered. "I... I didn't r-realise I was that late." I raised my voice slightly. "I'm, uh, so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine!" Will laughed. "I was kind of expecting you to be late anyway."

I let out a sigh of relief. He didn't mind. He was expecting it, even.

Will pulled out some paper from his pocket, and laid it in front of me. "Last night, I was brainstorming, and wrote down a couple of ideas. They aren't that good, but... they're a start, at least."

I skim-and-scanned the writing, amazed at how much thought he had put into it. His ideas were so detailed, and well fleshed out. He had put in so much more effort than I ever would have. "These are... brilliant!" Will blushed, which I found sort of cute. I found myself blushing as well. "Uh, s-sorry I couldn't come up with anything; to be honest, I'm not the best at this sort of stuff." I looked back at the ideas. "Maybe we could, um, try to work off..." I pointed to the second option. "This one?"

Will turned the paper around and read it to remind himself. "The one where they wander into a forbidden part of the forest?" I nodded. "Ok, we can do that. That was my favourite one actually." He gave me a huge smile.

I almost returned the smile. Almost. I didn't really smile that much. But I was happy he was ok with doing the suggestion that seemed the easiest to me.

"Maybe they could... get separated? And have to find each other?" I was trying, I really was. That was the best I could come up with. It wasn't the best, but at least I actually tried to help. I had already accepted the fact that Will would think it was a stupid idea, and he would have a far better idea in-

"That's great!" he praised, which shocked me. Was it really a good idea? I guess... it was better than anything I had ever come up with before. No. I was sure it was a bad idea. But Will... I was grateful that he said it was good, even if he was pretending to think that.

Was he pretending? Or was he actually sincere. I was beginning to think he was.

We spent the rest of the lesson discussing ideas for the plot, and, by the end, we had managed to create a rough idea of the overall story. I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Will about the project. Usually, if I had to work with someone they would end up doing all the work, and I would be useless. Simply because I struggled talking with people I'm not close with. But Will make it seem so easy, and I almost... enjoyed it.

I was beginning to like Will Solace.

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