Chapter Three

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After school ended, I quickly grabbed my stuff from my locker and speed walked towards carpark. I didn't necessarily have to leave via the carpark exit, since no one was picking me up and I wasn't old enough to drive, but I didn't want to leave via the main gate. Too many people went that way, and I really didn't want to be around people. Usually, I would take a lesser known route home, through the forest in the park opposite our school. Nobody else ever thought to take that shortcut home, so I was mostly alone as I strolled down the path, listening to jazz music blasting through my earphones. Occasionally, I would see a stranger walking their dog, but they didn't pay attention to me.

It was peaceful. Wandering by the trees alone, lost in the world of jazz. People tend to be surprised when I tell them I like jazz. I'm not sure why. It's good music! I suppose they think I just listen to death metal or something, because I'm always wearing black and don't like people. And I can understand why they would think that. I don't dislike death metal, and I do sometimes listen to it, but... The real reason I like jazz is because my Mum liked it. It reminds me of her.

An arm swung around my shoulder, startling me. "Hey, Nico," a voice said. I stopped in my tracks, and turned around slowly to see who had snuck up on me. It was Jason.

"Uh, h-hi," I stuttered. "I d-didn't, uh, expect you to come down here..."

He grinned, and continued walking down the path. I walked alongside him. I used to walk this way with his sister, and sometimes he would join us, so I suppose it wasn't a big surprise that he knew I walked this way. Still, I honestly wasn't expecting him to come. We weren't friends, just... acquaintances. He hadn't talked to me since Thalia left.

I took out my phone and turned the music down so that I could hear Jason better. I was beginning to wonder why he decided to come this way; he had friends of his own who he could go home with, like... Leo Valdez, or Percy Jackson. People who were so much more popular than I was. So why me? Did he want to talk to me about something? Ask for a favour?

"So, you were put with Will in Performing Arts?" he said. So that's why he came. To ask me about Will. I still wasn't sure why.

"Yeah," I replied.

"What do you think of him?" he asked.

I frowned. "What do you mean? I hardly know him."

A smile crept across his face. "You know, do you like him?"

He was starting to confuse me. Why would he want to know my opinion of someone I just met? I didn't even think Jason was friends with Will... "Well, I, uh, think he nice? I guess? I don't know... I haven't talked to him for long. Maybe... I could've become his friend if we had talked longer." I didn't believe that for one second, and I didn't sound that convincing, but Jason seemed excited by the thought.

"Just friends?" He moved closer to me.

I sighed. "Honestly, I have no clue what you're talking about."

"God, Nico, I know you're gay." I froze. I had completely forgot that he had been there when I came out to Thalia, after Bianca... That was what he was talking about. He must of thought I might I have crush on Will... No. I didn't. I barely knew him, but... I had to admit that he was quite attractive, with his golden blonde hair, and those cute freckles on his tanned skinned. Still, that didn't mean I had a crush on him. No way.

"I, uh, d-don't have a crush on him, ok?" Why did I have to stutter? He'll think I'm lying now! Curse my stupid awkwardness!

Jason winked. "Don't worry, you're secret's safe with me." I could feel my cheeks heating up. Please say I wasn't blushing...

By now, we had left the park and I was almost at my house. Thank God. "Uh, see you later?" I said uncertainly, before rushing inside, leaving Jason behind.

I wasn't even friends with Will yet. I had only talked to him for less than an hour.

I didn't have a crush on him.

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