Chapter Thirty Six

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We had one hour left before our performance, and I was sitting alone in the corner backstage, absolutely terrified. I knew this would happen, it always does - the weeks leading up to it, I'm perfectly fine, but as soon as the day comes, I'm a bundle of nerves that can't even move from their seat. Will had been dragged away by Jason around fifteen minutes ago, so I was alone. Not that I cared. In fact, it was probably better for me to be alone at that moment. If there wasn't anybody around me, then I wouldn't pass my anxiety onto them.

Although, the fact that all Performing Arts students were completely off timetable today did calm my nerves a little. If I had to have gone to classes all day, I would probably just be even more nervous and stressed out. Also, that meant there wasn't many chances for people to make fun of me afterwards - our performance was towards the end of the day anyway, so we would be allowed to go home straight after. I knew there were some people watching the performances as well, which meant people will see the kiss between Will and I. That was what scared me the most.

Fifty minutes left. Will and Jason had returned now, with Drew lurking somewhere behind. I felt sorry for Jason, having to work with Drew after all that had happened. But to be honest, I was more angry at Drew - she had caused so much drama recently, and I just couldn't put up with her anymore.

"You wanna do a quick run through before its our turn?" Will asked, taking a seat next to me.

I hesitated. "Uh... Not in here." I internally cringed at that statement. "I-I mean, not in front of all of these people!" I added.

Will smiled. "I was going to suggest we do it outside anyways."

Jason gasped, as if he had just come up with an amazing idea. "Oh my God, can I watch your thing?" he requested. "I can give you some last-minute feedback if you want!"

I left the decision up to Will, as I really didn't care if Jason watched. In fact, he was probably the only person in here who I would be comfortable performing in front of (asides from my boyfriend, but that would be impossible since we're working together). Will said that he could join us outside, and so our small group left the building and found a place on the field with no people around.

Just before we began, Will whispered into my ear, "You ok with doing the kiss?" I nodded, and we got into position.

Jason watched our performance, seeming genuinely interested in what was going on. He was silent, completely entranced in what was going on. And when it came to that scene, he bursted out with joy, fangirling like there was nobody watching him - which there wasn't, so he could fangirl all he wanted.

At the end, he gave us a huge smile, and said, "That was amazing! The teacher is going to love it!"

I smiled nervously. "You really think so? H-honestly, I'm not really sure how she'll take it... Y'know, with the k-kiss and all..." I looked down.

Will put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, Neeks," he said. "She isn't going to judge us or anything. She'll probably be happy that we did something... different. I don't think any other group has guys kissing."

"Nico di Angelo and Will Solace?" Our names were called from inside. "Please come to the stage now."

I took a deep breath, and grabbed hold of Will's hand, squeezing it tight. "Let's do this."

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