Chapter Fourty Four

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I left the school last night was a huge grin on my face, my friends all sharing that smile, and the love of my life clinging onto my hand like there was nothing else in the world.

And it was the best night of my life.

All of my fears and anxiety over people finding out about my relationship with Will, and my sexuality in general, had disappeared completely. I no longer cared what people thought, and, honestly? I was so much happier. As long as I had Will by my side and a group of friends to support me, I would be fine.

"Hey, we should go to Maccies," Percy suggested, turning around to face the group. He continued to walk backwards as he talked to us. "'Cause, I mean, I'm hungry, and it's not to late to stay out a bit longer."

I hadn't been to McDonalds since before Bianca had died. I remembered that Dad would take me and her every other weekend. I would always buy a cheese burger Happy Meal. It was the one thing we would do as a family. After Bianca died, I never went back. I couldn't deal with all the memories. Even at that point, with all my amazing friends, I was debating whether or not I would be able to go.

Before I knew it, I was seating in a booth at the local McDonalds, the same booth we would always sit in all those years ago. It was crowded, with all of us together on the same table. Will was so close that our shoulders were touching - I liked that.

We passed around a piece of paper writing down our orders, which Piper had already agreed to pay for. (She claimed that she had quite a large allowance from her dad, so she had plenty of money to pay for everyone's food. Nobody complained.) When it came to me, I hesitated. Everyone else had put 'Big Mac' or something similar to that. Not one person had put 'Happy Meal'. Which was the only thing I had ever gotten from a McDonalds. I didn't want to seem like the odd one out, but... I couldn't bring myself to have anything else. I quickly scribbled 'cheese burger happy meal' and shoved the paper over to Will, who raised an eyebrow at what I had written.

"Are you judging me?" I grumbled, sinking into my chair.

Will giggled. "No, I'm not judging. I just didn't take you for the type to have a Happy Meal."

"I used to have it when I would come here with my Dad and sister," I explained. "It's... the only thing I've ever had here, actually."

Will nodded. "And that's completely fine. Have whatever you want." He quickly wrote something down, and passed the note back to Piper. She went to order the food, and came back around five minutes later with a couple trays of food. She placed them on the table, and people began to grab whatever they had ordered. I quickly snatched the Happy Meal box, silently praying that nobody said anything. I was surprised that nobody even noticed.

I was even more surprised when I saw Will taking a Happy Meal box as well. "You... also got a Happy Meal."

Will looked over at me, smiling. "I didn't want you to feel left out." My heart skipped a beat. Why did my boyfriend have to be so... nice? What did I ever do to deserve a guy like Will? "Also, I do admit that Happy Meals are clearly the best option on the menu."

We began to tuck in. Will finished way before me, and decided to cuddle against me, resting his head my shoulder. I let him.

"Stay at my place tonight?" he invited, as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

I nodded, and smiled. "I'd like that."

A/N: thank you so much for reading this fic, it really means a lot to me when people read, vote or comment on this! i actually love reading through and replying to your comments and stuff :)

i just wanted to say that i'm going to end this fic at chapter fifty. it had been nearing the end for quite some time now, and i feel like fifty is a good place to stop.

thank you so much for sticking with this book :D

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