Chapter Fourty Eight

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A/N: asdfkfnjehjedhljehfe thank you so much for 3k views omg how did this happen i love you all

I woke up with my arms still wrapped around Will. Will was still asleep. I laid there for ages, not wanting to move from that position. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. And after the events of last night... He deserved some extra sleep. I felt really bad for... everything. Waking him up, making him worry, seeing me crying. And even then I was still shaken from the dream.

Will's door slowly opened, and his Dad strutted into the room. I quickly shot up, wiggling out of Will's grasp.

"Will, time to- oh, hey Nico," he greeted. He stared at me. I stared back. "Wait, did you two- last night-"

I blushed. "N-nothing happened. W-we just, um... We were sitting on the bed together, and we... we just fell asleep, ok? Nothing else."

He smirked. "Sure. Nothing."

I blushed harder. "I swear-"

He smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry, I trust that nothing happened besides sleeping. How was the party last night?"

"It was, um, it was great," I replied.

Will opened his eyes, and began to sit up. He looked at me, then at his Dad, and blushed. "D-dad! I-it's not what it looks like!"

Will's Dad laughed. "Nico has already told me," he said.

Will sighed with relief. We sat there in silence for a moment, before Will spoke up again. "W-wait, we have school, don't we?"

Will's Dad shook his head. "Actually, I came in here to say that school was cancelled. At the party last night, somebody put something in the headmasters drink, and... well, he can't come into school. He just decided to cancel it, since all the teachers and probably most of the students are tired anyway." He looked at me. "You can stay here for the day of you want to."

"Thanks," I said, as he made his way out the room.

As soon as his dad was out of sight, Will wrapped his arm back around me. "So, last night. Are you... Are you ok?" he asked.

I nodded. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. That wasn't the first time I've had the dream anyway. I... I'm used to it by now."

Will looked like he was about to cry. "N-Nico, I had no idea," he said gently. "You could've told me before. I would've helped you."

I smiled sadly. I was glad that he said he would help, but at the same time, I didn't want to rely on him or bother him too much. I had managed alone for years, so there was no reason for me to get help now. I had learned to cope with it. The only reason it was so bad the night before was because Will was there, and I was trying to hide my distress.

"Thanks for the offer," I said. "But, really, I'm fine. I can cope with them. I know that Bianca is gone, and I know that there is nothing I can do to change that. But I also know that none of it is my fault. And if I keep telling myself that, I know that I'll be ok."

He pulled me closer, and we hugged for God knows how long. Eventually, he pulled away, and asked if I wanted to run through our performance for Friday.

I smirked. "Anything that will give me a excuse to kiss you."

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