Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Nico?" Someone gently nudged my shoulder. "Nico, it's time to wake up."

"Five more minutes..." I groaned, as I rolled over and buried my head in the pillow.

I heard a curtain being pulled open, and someone calling my name again. I lifted up my head, only to be immediately blinded by sunlight. Will was staring out the window onto the empty street below. The first thing I noticed was that his hair was a mess - not that I'm complaining, he actually looked even hotter that usual. He turned to look at me.

"Morning, Neeks," he greeted, with a huge smile.

I stared at him for another second, then replied, "Morning." I looked around. This wasn't my room. Was wasn't I in my room? It might be Hazel's room... Yes, I must have fallen asleep in Hazel's room, for some reason. Wait, Will Solace was here. Why was Will Solace in Hazel's room? Unless this wasn't Hazel's room... But then whose room was it? Was it was Will's room? Yeah, of course, it must have been Will's room. I'm in Will Solace's room! "Wait, why am I in your room?"

"You arrived last night...?" Will answered, sounding kind of confused.

Suddenly, the events of last night came rushing to my head. Me coming out, the fight, me running away. "Oh, God, I ran away from home!" I realised. "What the hell is wrong with me?! Dad is going to be so f**king mad!" I put my head in my hands. "I am such an idiot!"

"Woah, Neeks, calm down!" Will came to sit besides me. "It's ok. Don't worry about your Dad for now. Just... relax, ok? We have school soon. You don't want to be in a bad mood for school."

I nodded. "Y-yeah... Thank you." I gave him a small smile, which he happily returned.

"Well, now that you're up, you should probably get changed," he said. I hadn't noticed before, but Will was already in his clothes. He must have gotten up way before me, if he had already gotten changed. "Breakfast will probably be ready soon. I think Dad is making pancakes."

I finally got out of bed, and quickly checked my phone. I had two missed calls from Dad, both of which I ignored. I caught a glimpse of the time...

"Six am?!" I exclaimed. "You woke me up at six?! What the hell, Will?!"

Will tilted his head. "Is that such a bad time?" he inquired. "I usually get up much earlier..."

"Well, I don't usually get up till, like, quarter past eight, on a school day."

"Quarter past eight?" Will echoed. "How do you have time to get ready?! That only gives you, like, five minutes to get ready!"

I shrugged. "I just get changed, and quickly do my teeth. It's not that hard."


"I just leave it."


"I don't usually have breakfast."

Will gasped. "Nico, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! You can't just skip it!" I rolled my eyes. "And don't think I haven't noticed that you don't each lunch, either! So the first time you eat everyday is dinner?"

I nodded. "Yeah. But does it really matter?"

"Yes!" he shouted, surely waking up the neighbors. "You need to take care of yourself, Neeks! You can't just skip every meal."

The door swung open, and Will's Dad popped his head through. "What are you two arguing about?" He didn't even give us chance to respond before he came into the room. "Something about Neeks not eating?"

"Don't call me Neeks," I grumbled.

"Would you prefer 'son'?"

I blushed. "N-no. J-just Nico, please."

Will's Dad laughed, and turned to Will. "How did you get such a cute boyfriend?" Will was blushing now as well. "Anyway, breakfast will be ready in a couple of minutes." He turned back to me. "You, uh, may want to get dressed. That shirt is just a tiny bit too big."

I sighed. "Yeah. I know." I grabbed by backpack, and went into the bathroom to get changed into my usual black skull t-shirt and skinny jeans. I then ventured downstairs, joined Will and his Dad at the table, and actually ate breakfast for once. This was a new experience for me - the family sitting around the table, eating breakfast and just talking. Even Will's Mum joined us (after we explained who I was and why I was there). It was... nice.

It made me wish my family was like that.

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