Chapter Thirty One

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"Th-thank God I got away from... whatever the hell that was." I looked around. "B-but I still don't know where Will is. Will... Will!"

My sister sweet voice came out of my phone. "You want to find your 'Will'?"

I jumped back slightly, and looked around again. "Wh-who said that?"

Will and I continued rehearsing that scene, then stopped and did it again. It was the only scene we had to work on, other than the kiss scene, which we couldn't do at school anyway. Hazel had recorded her parts straight after I asked, so I had the recordings we needed. It was just a case of getting the recordings in the right place, and for Will to make sure he knows when to play them. We didn't want to go any further from that scene in lesson, since immediately after was the kiss scene.

The bell rang, and we went for lunch. I walked alongside Will, our hands clinging onto each other. I still couldn't believe what had happened earlier that morning - I had actually told Drew that I was dating Will. A month ago, I wasn't even comfortable admitting to myself that I was in love with Will Solace, but now I just want to shout it out to the world.

I joined the others at our table whilst Will went to get his lunch. He told me to go with him to get some lunch as well, since his Dad had given him extra money specifically for me, but I declined his offer, saying that I wasn't hungry after the huge breakfast I had this morning. It took a bit of convincing, but he ended up going without me.

"Yo Neeks," Leo greeted.

"Don't call me Neeks," I warned Leo.

He just laughed. "C'mon, you let Will call you Neeks!"

I blushed. "W-well... Will's different. He has the right to refer to me as Neeks."

"So it's true?" Percy asked.

I frowned. "Is what true?"

"That you and Will are dating?"

I blushed even harder. I couldn't really hide it from these guys, since they knew about my sexuality and Jason was there when I told Drew. Besides, I trusted these people with the information. More so than my actual family. "Y-yeah... W-we got together last night."

Jason squealed with delight. "Yes! My OTP is canon!" he screamed.

"Your what-now?" I questioned.

He cleared his thought. "Oh, uh, y'know... I think you two are cute together. I knew you would end up with him in the end."

Will sat down besides me. "What's going on?" he wondered. "I heard Jason screaming."

"Mission Solangelo is complete!" Jason announced cheerfully. "Will and Nico, cutest couple I've ever seen!"

Will laughed. "I guess you guys know that Nico and I are boyfriends." He was blushing; he looked cute when he blushed.

"I know, it's great, I ship you guys so much!"

Percy out his hand on Jason's shoulder. "Calm down, bro. We all know you think they are cute."

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Slightly annoyed, I pulled it out, only to see my Dad calling me again. I declined. Not just because I was still kinda mad at him, but also because it was the middle of school. Since when did Dad call in the middle of school?

Will put his arm around my shoulder. "Neeks, you really should pick up your Dad's calls," he advised.

I sighed. "I... I know. I'll talk to him later. I promise." I knew for a fact that I was lying, but I didn't want to say no to Will. I physically couldn't say no.

Annabeth looked at me. "Is something happening between you and your Dad?" she asked. "I'm assuming he was the one who just called you, but you didn't pick up? And Will told you you should pick up?"

I felt like tears were forming in my eyes. No, don't cry Nico. Not in front of everyone. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. Luckily, Will saved me.

"Nico had an argument with his Dad last night," he explained. "He came round to mine and slept over. He hasn't told his Dad yet, and I think that his Dad is probably worried."

I nodded. "Yeah, he... he probably is worried. B-but I don't want to talk to him right now, so..."

"What did you argue about?" Leo asked.

"That's none of your business!" I growled.

Leo sat back in his chair. "Ok, ok, jeez. I'm just saying that, even if it was really bad, you should still talk to him. At least let him know you're ok."

I took a deep breath. "Yeah... I really should. I just... can't."

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